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標題: Money Spending/Saving Tips From Billionaires
Coolio     Rank: 4Rank: 4
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註冊 2007-9-28
來自 planet earth
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發表於 2010-9-6 03:08 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
Money Spending/Saving Tips From Billionaires

by Jean Folger

Carlos Slim Helu (Carlos Slim), a telecom tycoon and billionaire with well-known frugal tendencies, has a net worth of $60.6 billion, according to Forbes. Assuming no changes in his net worth, he could spend $1,150 a minute for the next 100 years before he ran out of money. To put this in perspective, he could spend in 13 minutes what a minimum-wage earner brings home after an entire year of the daily grind.

Granted, the world's billionaires (all 1,011 of them) are in the debatably enviable position of having, quite literally, more money than they can possibly spend, yet some are still living well below their means, and save money in surprising places. Even non-billionaires (currently 6,864,605,142 of us) can partake in these seven spending tips from frugal billionaires:

1. Keep Your Home Simple
Billionaires can afford to live in the most exclusive mansions imaginable -- and many do, including Bill Gates' sprawling 66,000 square foot, $147.5 million dollar mansion in Medina, Wash. -- yet frugal billionaires like Warren Buffett choose to keep it simple. Buffett still lives in the five-bedroom house in Omaha that he purchased in 1957 for $31,500. Likewise, Carlos Slim has lived in the same house for more than 40 years.

2. Use Self-Powered or Public Transportation
Thrifty billionaires including John Caudwell, David Cheriton and Chuck Feeney prefer to walk, bike or use public transportation when getting around town. Certainly these wealthy individuals could afford to take a helicopter to their lunch meetings, or ride in chauffeur-driven Bentleys, but they choose to get a little exercise and take advantage of public transportation instead. Good for the bank account and great for the environment.

3. Buy Your Clothes off the Rack
While some people, regardless of their net value, place a huge emphasis on wearing designer clothes and shoes, some frugal billionaires decide it's simply not worth the effort, or expense. You can find David Cheriton, the Stanford professor who matched Google founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page to the venture capitalists at Kleiner, Perkins, Caufield & Byers (resulting in a large reward of Google stock), wearing jeans and a t-shirt.

Ingvar Kamprad, the founder of the furniture company Ikea, avoids wearing suits, and John Caudwell, mobile phone mogul, buys his clothes off the rack instead of spending his wealth on designer clothes.

4. Keep your Scissors Sharp
The average haircut costs about $45, but people can and do spend up to $800 per cut and style. Multiply that by 8.6 (to account for a cut every six weeks) and it adds up to $7,200 per year, not including tips. These billionaires can certainly afford the most stylish haircuts, buy many cannot be bothered by the time it takes or the high price tag for the posh salons. Billionaires like John Caudwell and David Cheriton opt for cutting their own hair at home.

5. Drive a Regular Car
While billionaires like Larry Ellison (co-founder and CEO of Oracle Corporation) enjoy spending millions on cars, boats and planes, others remain low key with their vehicles of choice. Jim Walton (of the Wal-Mart clan) drives a 15-year-old pickup truck. Azim Premji, an Indian business tycoon, reportedly drives a Toyota Corolla. And Ingvar Kamprad of Ikea drives a 10-year-old Volvo. The idea is to buy a dependable car, and drive it into the ground. No need for a different car each day of the week for these frugal billionaires.

6. Skip Luxury Items
It may surprise some of us, but the world's wealthiest person, Carlos Slim (the one who could spend more than a thousand dollars a minute and not run out of money for one hundred years) does not own a yacht or a plane. (Reducing the amount you spend is the easiest way to make your money grow.)

Many other billionaires have chosen to skip these luxury items. Warren Buffett also avoids these lavish material items, stating, "Most toys are just a pain in the neck."

What We Can Learn
Some of the world's billionaires have frugal tendencies. Perhaps this thrifty nature even helped them make some of their money. Regardless, they have chosen to avoid some unnecessary spending (at least on their scale) and the 6,864,605,142 non-billionaires out there can follow suit, eliminating excessive, keep-up-with-the-Jones style spending. No matter what a person's income bracket is, most can usually find a way to cut back on frivolous spending, just like a few frugal billionaires.

http://finance.yahoo.com/banking ... es?mod=bb-budgeting

Coolio :
Amen to all that. :)

最後編輯: Coolio : 2010-9-6 03:10 AM

Don't follow the crowd: that's the easiest way to get lost.

What does not kill me makes me stronger.

ultraegg (我係2蛋爸爸!)     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
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發表於 2010-9-6 12:44 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
閃古, 你貼出黎呢個方法, 有無用我就唔知, 但相信唔係最好的方法, 睇完以下的例子你自然會明!

有人年薪約 CAD$45K, 老婆約CAD$35K, 結婚時都搞得幾豪吓, 仲要去一個月歐洲密月, 之後又可以係3年內供完一間CAD$180K的屋, 而其間可以返香港數次, 去日本數次, 剛剛又去再歐洲玩2個星期. 耐唔耐又落吓美國掃平貨, 每幾個月又去睇 concert. 同時又可以供得起一架 PORSCHE, 一架 mini cooper, 平時的衣著手飾當然係名牌子, 家庭所用的電器亦係貴野, 飲食方面絕對唔會對自己差啦, 雖則唔係餐餐貴野, 但一定唔 cheap. 亦有養返隻狗過吓日神! 而佢可以做到的理由係儲錢, 我覺得呢個先係一個大家絕對要學習的儲錢方法!


Coolio     Rank: 4Rank: 4
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閱讀權限 50
註冊 2007-9-28
來自 planet earth
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發表於 2010-9-6 01:05 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
回復 #2 ultraegg 的帖子

yeah...i recall someone you know is able to pull all that off...i'd like to know how though.

my daily living really reflects my "not-so-great" income, i can certainly relate to the simple lifestyle listed above of the billionaires.

最後編輯: Coolio : 2010-9-6 01:08 PM

Don't follow the crowd: that's the easiest way to get lost.

What does not kill me makes me stronger.

ultraegg (我係2蛋爸爸!)     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
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發表於 2010-9-6 01:19 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 

i'd like to know how though

我都想知佢個係咩儲錢方法, 絕對係儲錢王道啦, 搵 $40k, 扣除又項開支後, 起碼儲到 $50k 喎, 比我唔食唔用都做唔到啦

Coolio :
their parents are probably loaded...


moronic     Rank: 2Rank: 2
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註冊 2010-1-3
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發表於 2010-9-6 05:06 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
ahh...靚粥一世 is a restaurant name. quite strange that there is a restaurant without english name in a country where the official language is english

Coolio :
yeah :)


mickeyGoUp     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
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發表於 2010-9-8 01:36 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
回復 #2 ultraegg 的帖子



mpiipm     Rank: 5Rank: 5Rank: 5
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註冊 2007-7-25
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發表於 2010-9-8 01:51 AM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
I have the tendency of being a billionaire i guess:

1. i cut my own hair past 3 years
2. i'm driving a 04 corolla
3. i wear t-shirts and shorts to work
4. i cook 5-6 days a weeks
5. i never own nike, beebok sneakers, levi jrans, brand name items

sodog - 遠看是隻狗﹐近看也是狗﹐打我我唔走﹐拉我我先走﹗

Coolio     Rank: 4Rank: 4
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註冊 2007-9-28
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發表於 2010-9-8 05:15 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
回復 #7 mpiipm 的帖子

<1. i cut my own hair past 3 years >
done that, i've found it's better to just let my hair grow, then get it cut properly once every few months from a barber.

<2. i'm driving a 04 corolla>
I drive a 01 civic, bought it used in 06.

<3. i wear t-shirts and shorts to work>
even in winter?

<4. i cook 5-6 days a weeks>
PB & J sandwiches, instant noodles and frozen dumplings are my regulars throughout the week.

<5. i never own nike, beebok sneakers, levi jrans, brand name items>
are you sayin' you've never owned 山寨 brands ?

hmm... i am a firm believer in "you get what you pay for", brand names do ensure better quality for the money you spend, man.

最後編輯: Coolio : 2010-9-8 06:24 PM

Don't follow the crowd: that's the easiest way to get lost.

What does not kill me makes me stronger.

ultraegg (我係2蛋爸爸!)     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
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發表於 2010-9-8 09:00 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 
咁我都好耐無出街剪頭髮喎, 應該有8年啦, 由蛋嫂一手包辨!

而我架車係因為 chloe 出世先換, 都係好基本的 SUV 咋!

至於著咩衫返工, 無計, 一定係 business casual, 但我都係 2 年左右先買一次衫褲, 咁都唔過份啩?

至於出街食, 多數都係 food court, 仲要係一餐食唔晒 pack 走食多餐!

至於名牌 .... 咁波鞋黎黎去去都係個幾個名, 但我好多年都只係去 outlet 先買, 對上次買都係2年前.

咁點解我仲未做到 Billionaires?? 我只係一個久Billionaires 債的人!


ultraegg (我係2蛋爸爸!)     Rank: 7Rank: 7Rank: 7
性別 男
UID 2550

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閱讀權限 150
註冊 2006-8-1
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發表於 2010-9-8 09:01 PM  資料  個人空間  短訊  加為好友 


我知就話無人幫喎, 全都係佢地好辛苦咁儲錢返黎!



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