2017-9-6 07:34 PM
How do I do a C/net Internet Speed Test
I have used the speed test before and it seemed easy to use. Today it looks different and I don't see a way to do the test. There is a rectangle at the top that suggests that I need to download something to get started. I never had to download anything before. It looks very suspicious. I took a snip of the page I see in order to paste it here, but when I try to paste it here, "Paste" is grayed out so I guess C/net doesn't want us to paste things in questions. So how do I do a C/net internet speed test?
Thank You
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
References [url]https://www.cnet.com/forums/discussions/how-do-i-do-a-cnet-internet-speed-test/[/url]
Example [url=http://blog.advids.co/20-video-marketing-examples-from-waste-management-solutions-and-systems/]Waste Management Video[/url]