2010-10-5 02:58 AM 原次郎

HDZ已宣佈由10月23日起永久停止錄製電視節目~ 各位對此有何看法呢?

註: 我仍會為lipscorner繼續轉貼其他錄製組的節目~ 只是來源不再是HDZ了~

2010-10-6 02:03 PM jello_fly2004
so sad!:pn10:

2010-10-6 09:55 PM pierrelo
why?:pn04: :pn10:

2010-10-6 11:23 PM mpiipm



2010-10-6 11:38 PM tsuimf
O NO !:pn10:

2010-10-7 12:20 AM superlau
nothing is forever, hope there is a newcomer

2010-10-7 12:38 AM pucat_ws
why :pn04: :pn14:  hope there is a newcomer

2010-10-7 01:06 AM schongkong
Does this affect the dl that we are currently enjoying

2010-10-7 01:20 AM Nghongmay
回復 #2 jello_fly2004 的帖子

What is HDZ?

2010-10-7 01:48 AM mpiipm
[quote]原帖由 [i]schongkong[/i] 於 2010-10-7 01:06 AM 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=293221&ptid=40275][img]http://www.lipscorner.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Does this affect the dl that we are currently enjoying [/quote]
Certainly but still couple alternative sites but it will be slower than usual, so be patient.^^

2010-10-7 01:49 AM mpiipm
[quote]原帖由 [i]Nghongmay[/i] 於 2010-10-7 01:20 AM 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=293225&ptid=40275][img]http://www.lipscorner.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
What is HDZ? [/quote]
高清地帶 HD Zone

2010-10-7 01:58 AM dummy
so sad

I will miss that.
hope we can still download from here...

2010-10-7 02:06 AM Nghongmay
回復 #10 mpiipm 的帖子

What are the alternative sites?

2010-10-7 04:02 AM super-hing
so sad, 雖然我好耐無睇 TBB ...但係點解唔再錄呢~~

2010-10-7 05:11 AM 原次郎
hdz是我們轉貼或上傳電視節目的原創論壇~ 他們已停了錄製(讀心神探)~ 所以我們轉用了tvboxnow版~

mpiipm請問你知不知有甚麼比tvboxnow更穩定的版本呢? :pn04:

2010-10-7 05:23 AM anticop23
it is for sure too bad.

as long as there are alternatives with similar quality then its all good.

support! :pn30:

2010-10-7 05:41 AM kingjulian
I respect their decision.  For us it will definitely be a great loss.  We'll miss their great production.  All the best and salute to these guys!  Perhaps we might see them again in the future.

2010-10-7 07:46 AM sabrina3838
So sad to hear this. They really have a very good quality.

2010-10-7 08:38 AM jim2306968
:pn08: :pn08:

2010-10-7 09:05 AM mickeyGoUp
I also agreed that their quality are the best on the market.  

Has anyone seen the 8度 version?  Are they any good?

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