2010-1-14 10:03 PM mickeyGoUp
Zombieland (2009-10-2)

以喜劇包裝嘅喪屍片,以為會有驚喜,但原來都係冇乜新意,電影亦離唔開 hollywood 公式,所以,冇嘢做冇嘢睇可以睇下,但唔睇亦冇咩損失。

2010-1-15 01:25 PM Coolio
i actually liked it quite a bit.
a redneck, a nerd, and two streetwise sisters go on a road trip across the country where most places are full of disease infected zombies.
yeah, it's the usual american - loud & silly with a little romance here and there, but a lot of fun :)

2022-12-12 03:20 PM lesliehuang
以為會有驚喜,但原來都係冇乜新意,電影亦離唔開 hollywood 公式

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