LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 不是影評人 - Movie Reviews » Angels & Demons (2009-5-15)

2009-9-24 09:37 PM mickeyGoUp
Angels & Demons (2009-5-15)

睇 Angels & Demons 時,好自然會同 The Da Vinci Code 作比較,可能因為小說版係出自同一位作者,電影版係由同一位導演執導,故事又係同天主教有關。

論故事,我覺得 The Da Vinci Code 有趣味性 d。Angels & Demons 有少少似係以天主教做背景既警匪片咁,雖然中間係有一個又一個既疑團,但最後既 twist,又冇 The Da Vinci Code 個 twist 咁震撼。

唯一我喜歡 Angels & Demons 既地方,就係佢講及教宗逝世後,要選舉下一任教宗既過程,加上教宗選舉係一項世界大事,好多來自世界各地既信徒及遊客,都聚集係 St. Peter Square 等待新一任教宗既 "誕生" 。導演將呢個情景及過程,活現在觀眾眼前,令一 d 未經歷過呢項盛事既觀眾,有機會感受到當時既氣氛。

2009-9-25 08:53 PM benedictling
Oh...I like this one much more than The Da Vinci Code.  Maybe as you said, it looks like a 警匪片, that's why i like it more.  And Tom's hair style makes me feel more comfortable. It let me know how they 選舉下一任教宗既過程 and how they announce it to people.  (This is something that I never know before) I also like the scene which the heli take off from the square....that's look really cool.:D

2009-9-29 11:38 AM Flora
我都覺得 Da Vinci Code 好睇 D....可能因為 Angels & Demons 係前傳, 講 Robert 點樣 solve codes 黎幫個教....而唔係好似 Da Vinci Code 咁幫自己洗脫嫌疑.... so 無咁震憾???

2009-9-30 12:45 AM mickeyGoUp
回復 #3 Flora 的帖子

[spoiler]我覺得 Da Vinci Code 既結局之所以震憾,係最後所發現既 Holy Grail 既真正秘密。[/spoiler]

2022-10-27 03:38 PM lesliehuang

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