2009-8-19 01:57 AM mickeyGoUp
District 9 (2009-8-14)

首先,個人黎講,我係非常喜歡呢套戲!  我最初以為,如果完全冇睇過 trailers,會更加 enjoy District 9 呢套電影。 但我錯勒!  我有幾位朋友,睇前完全唔呢套戲講乜,只知係 alien 同埋個 rating 好高,睇完之後,覺得前半部份有 d 悶,覺得套戲只係一般。

District 9 可以話係一套 半 documentry 半 Sci-Fi 既電影,故事講話有一班 aliens 黎左地球,一住就住左 20 年。 Trailer 都有講,佢地想走,但當地政府扣留左佢地架飛船。 佢地過去 20 年既生活係點架呢?  Trailer 亦見到,佢地既居住環境,同難民差不多,點解會有咁既待遇呢?  佢地係度生活,對人類又會有咩影響呢?  我就係抱住呢個 "探秘" 既心態去睇呢套電影!  所以,我一 d 都冇失望,電影有好多篇幅係交代俾觀眾知道有關呢 d aliens 既生活狀況,所以如果您諗住去睇一部 alien 侵略地球 人類大戰外星人 電影,您多數會失望勒。

導演 Neill Blomkamp 之前拍過一個 short film,大穫好評,可能係咁樣,被 Peter Jackson 睇中(?),搵佢合作將 District 9 搬上大銀幕!  以下就係果段 short film,不防一看:


[spoiler]我覺得套戲好似想反映一 d 政治 同埋 種族歧視 既問題,但具體我又唔係咁講得出,如果您有咩見解,歡迎加入討論。 如果係講劇情,記住用 [ spoiler] [ /spoiler] tag 喎![/spoiler]

2009-9-24 08:52 PM benedictling
昨晚睇咗。。。其實呢套戲都ok. 唯一就係d英文好難聽。。。。

2009-11-4 07:50 AM mpiipm
Very strange movie....for first ten minutes, it looked like a comedy to me. But it became unexpectedly bloody and violent and sad!!

2009-11-4 09:37 PM mickeyGoUp
回復 #3 mpiipm 的帖子

您同小朋友一齊睇?  :P

係呢,您係睇 dvd 定係 rmvb 定係 avi 架?

2009-12-31 01:08 PM Coolio
surprisingly intense and entertaining, an unusual yet well made sci-fi film with a racial undertone message.

2010-1-1 12:47 AM mickeyGoUp
回復 #5 Coolio 的帖子

係囉! d 外星人做得幾自然呀呵?  我希望佢唔好拍 District 10 啦!  會令 District 9 獨特 d!

2010-1-1 03:44 AM Coolio
yeah, i like it a lot for the more evenly emphasis on both sides of the conflict, and not the typical Good vs Evil as most hollywood films tend to portrait.

as l looked up the film on wiki, the main actor is actually a personal friend of the director who produced the original short film version of "District 9". he gave a very convincing performance for his role in my opinion.

[spoiler]<我希望佢唔好拍 District 10 啦!  會令 District 9 獨特 d!>
i know, but it seems quite likely there will be one. with the hook of "returning in 3 years" promise by the Alien "Christopher" and the now fully transformed "Wikus" in Alien form at the end of the film, plus how well the film did in the box office...[/spoiler]

Budget               $30 million
Gross revenue     $204,570,836

as Linda Hamilton, who played Sarah Connor in "The Terminator" said: "But there will always be those who will try to milk the cow."

2010-1-1 10:07 AM mickeyGoUp
我都覺得主角演得幾好!  同埋夠生面口,真實感高好多!  :)

[quote]and not the typical Good vs Evil as most hollywood films tend to portrait.[/quote]
係呀!  宜家 d 電影,只要唔好跟住條公式去拍,就已經會有潛力成為一套好電影!  :D

[spoiler]講起唔似一般 hollywood films,就好似佢有一場戲,嘗試渣架飛船逃走,如果係一般 hollywood film,早就好型咁飛走左,仲要有英雄配樂加添氣氛!  :D[/spoiler]

Sarah Connor 係邊場戲咁講過?  :D

2010-1-1 01:16 PM Coolio
回復 #8 mickeyGoUp 的帖子

<Sarah Connor 係邊場戲咁講過?  >

...notice i wrote "as Linda Hamilton, who played Sarah Connor in "The Terminator" said..." not as Sarah Connor in "The Terminator". lol

" Linda Hamilton, who portrayed Sarah Connor in The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day and lent her voice to Terminator Salvation, wished the film "all the best" but expressed her opinion that the series "was perfect with two films. It was a complete circle, and it was enough in itself. But there will always be those who will try [to] milk the cow." - wiki.


2010-1-1 09:53 PM 收買佬
District 9

This film was great, one of the better sci-fi movies and probly top 5 film of the year i have seen. I found the movie so funny. " i did not fook a prawn" that cracked me up very bad lol

2010-1-2 01:04 AM mickeyGoUp
[quote]原帖由 [i]Coolio[/i] 於 2010-1-1 12:16 AM 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=273364&ptid=35529][img]http://www.lipscorner.net/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
...notice i wrote "as Linda Hamilton, who played Sarah Connor in "The Terminator" said..." not as Sarah Connor in "The Terminator". lol

Ohhh!  I see!! :pn03:
[quote]原帖由 [i]收買佬[/i] 於 2010-1-1 08:53 AM 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=273383&ptid=35529][img]http://www.lipscorner.net/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
This film was great, one of the better sci-fi movies and probly top 5 film of the year i have seen. I found the movie so funny. " i did not fook a prawn" that cracked me up very bad lol [/quote]
haha!  Yes I totally agreed!  That part of the plot was creative!  :D

2022-5-21 03:44 PM lesliehuang

2022-12-15 02:47 AM kericnnoe1964

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