2009-8-3 09:20 AM mickeyGoUp
Watchmen (2009-3-6)

提到導演 Zack Snyder,好多影迷都認識佢上一套電影 300!  唔知係咪咁,好多漫畫迷都會好期待去睇下佢今次將呢本 80 年代既超級英雄漫畫搬上大銀幕會係點。 亦可能係咁,對 Watchmen 電影亦有一定既期望啦!  誰不知結果並非想像中咁出色,我在未睇呢套戲前,聽過唔少劣評,所以我都冇抱好大期望,亦對 Watchmen 故事一知半解,反而睇完既感覺,覺得呢套戲幾有味道喎!!

佢唔算係一套有好多動作既超級英雄電影,電腦特技上亦冇咩突破,但如果當佢係一套劇情片去睇,佢算係幾有意思!  導演既拍攝手法幾有 style,加上用上一 d 80 年代既經典歌曲做 soundtrack,令好幾場戲都洽到好處!  

故事人物交代亦算洽當,睇完之後我對每一個戲內既 superhero 都算係認識。 故事橋段亦算係有一定程度既懸疑性,起碼我會想追落去。  戲中亦有講及好多當時美國社會既問題,但我就未領會得到。

唔知我係咪錯過左,戲裡有冇交代點解 Rorschach 個面具上既圖案係會不停地變既?

2009-9-4 01:47 PM mpiipm
A disappointment....maybe I'm too shallow. I find it quite boring and hardly finish it.:pn08:

2009-9-19 12:22 PM spree
this movie is too hyped up.  don't know why so many ppl like it.

2009-9-19 02:50 PM mickeyGoUp
回復 #3 spree 的帖子

I have heard otherwise.  There were a lot of bad reviews too.  :)  mpiipm did not like it, and you don't sound like you are that into it.  I think that's fair enough.  

I can't explain why I enjoyed it.  Maybe I was touched by the soundtracks?  :P

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