LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 數碼影音 - Digital A/V » 兩部 RMVB Media Players - NBOX & RCA M98

2009-7-7 09:57 AM mickeyGoUp
兩部 RMVB Media Players - NBOX & RCA M98

剛剛託朋友從香港買左兩部 RMVB players,一部係 NBOX,另一部係 RCA M98。


(我係駁入部 42" LCD 試既)

首先講下 NBOX。 我之前從未睇過相,亦唔知我朋友買左部咩俾我,我只係叫佢買一部簡單 平平地 唔洗睇 HD 既 player 就得勒 (大概 HKD 900)。 一收到時見到,嘩!  咁細部咁輕身既??  

專登放係 PS3 旁,有個比較。

冇 HDMI,只係有 component 同 composite output。

NBOX 可以插 SD Card 同埋 USB。 有 USB 就得啦!  插 手指 又得,插 external hdd 又得!  我就用隻 8GB 手指試機,睇過 RMVB、AVI、MPG1 (即係 VCD)。 AVI 就同我 stream 去 PS3 冇咩分別,MPG1 就同平時睇 VCD 差唔多,而 RMVB 就好正喇!  因為冇經過 transcode 直出電視,所以我又要講多次: "好耐冇試過係電視睇到咁清既 RMVB 喇!!!"  如果您地係駁開 電腦直駁電視,可能就唔會覺得有咁大 improvement。

個 menu 就比較簡單,同埋如果 d file names 有繁體中文,佢有 d 會出唔到。

More info:

[color=DarkGreen][size=4][b]RCA M98[/b][/size][/color]
跟住講下 RCA 既 M98。 機身就大過重過 NBOX 一倍多,但都係唔算好大架喇!  因為聚手 d,加上係 RCA 大牌子 (ok 啦),感覺上冇 NBOX 咁化學。 話晒價錢都貴倍幾,大概 HKD 1200。

又係同 PS3 排排坐

除左 USB 外,另外 support 四種 card: SD, XD, MS, MMC

Input 方面 有三個 HDMI ports (我仲唔係好知有咩用),而 output 就 HDMI, component, coaxial audio 同 普通 紅白線 audio。

我用 HDMI 駁電視,睇 RMVB、AVI、MPG1 時,同 NBOX 唔係差太遠,唔知係心理定係點,覺得 RMVB 清過 NBOX 少少。  要講就係 MKV 勒!  嘩!  睇 烈火3 第一集,真係唔識講!  可能實在睇得太耐 TVB 劇集係用 RMVB 喇,所以見到咁清,真係有 d 唔慣。 值得一提既係 跟 mkv 一齊黎既 srt subtitle 檔,M98 顯示全冇問題,但 M98 既中文字體就核突少少,不過 okay 啦!

User menu 方面呢,M98 就好過 NBOX 好多喇!  Language 方面亦有 繁體中文、簡體中文、英文,亦冇 NBOX 既 繁體中文檔名顯示問題。

UPDATE 2009-07-07:
唔記得左講,RCA M98 係可以內置一個 2.5" SATA hdd 既,只要拆開四粒螺絲同個蓋就可以裝入。

UPDATE 2009-07-07:
由於網上搵唔到 M98 呢個 model,絕對有理由懷疑呢部係一部大陸老翻,企圖模仿 RCA L8H,但又抄唔足。 :D


UPDATE 2009-07-09:
經過幾日既測試,發現 M98 有一個小缺點,就係個畫面比係 PC 睇既較暗!  咁有可能係我個電視既。 但我睇其他 TV 或 DVD 都唔覺暗喎,而我亦試過將 TV 較光 d,但睇落就冇咁自然。  以上既畫面係 RMVB 係 42" LCD 所播放既畫面。

UPDATE 2009-07-11:
開始測試 NBOX,發覺佢既畫面係光過 M98 架 (play 同一集 RMVB)!  即係 M98 暗係唔關我部 TV 事啦,係 M98 比較暗。 Navigation menu 方面,其實都不過不失,係冇 M98 咁靚,但係都一樣好易用。 Menu language 只係有簡體中文 同 英文,而 繁體中文檔名 就會有 d 中文字顯示唔到。


UPDATE 2009-07-12:
再睇多日 NBOX (以上係 NBOX cap 出黎既 RMVB 畫面),發覺如果唔睇 MKV 同埋唔要內置 SATA hdd 同埋 HDMI output 的話,NBOX 抵玩好多!  睇 RMVB 好夠用,畫面冇 M98 咁暗,本身又有間公司出品,唔係好似 M98 咁翻版 RCA,價機身又細又輕。

2009-7-7 10:35 AM Flora
which means you recommend RCA much is it???

how do you mean mkv??? like karaok ????

2009-7-7 07:18 PM mickeyGoUp
回復 #2 Flora 的帖子

M98 既價錢大概係 HKD 800。 我又唔會話特別覺得邊部好 d (除左 RCA 個牌子比較熟識),真係睇個人既需求同埋要求既。 如果唔洗睇高清 mkv 或 1080p,又或者只係駁落部 tube 電視度睇,而又唔介意果 d 小問題 (顯示唔到繁體中文檔名, 冇咁靚既 user interface, 等等),咁其實平平地 HKD300 一部 NBOX 都好夠玩架喇!

mkv 係佢地用黎出高清 video 既 format 黎既,一集大概 1GB,但係真好清!  睇美女廚房 d 女仔可以睇得好清楚!  :D

[quote]The Matroska Multimedia Container is an open standard free container format, a file format that can hold an unlimited number of video, audio, picture or subtitle tracks inside a single file. It is intended to serve as a universal format for storing common multimedia content, like movies or TV shows.[/quote]

More info: [url][/url]

2009-7-7 08:51 PM benedictling
Mickey, is there ANY laggy when you use M98 to watch mkv file with HDMI?

2009-7-7 08:54 PM mickeyGoUp
回復 #4 benedictling 的帖子

Still have to do longer test.  My "testers" were watching RMVB last night.  I will have them start mkv tonight or tomorrow.  :)

2009-7-7 08:56 PM benedictling
They both support NTSC?

2009-7-8 01:37 AM Flora
LOL....still don't sure what's mkv file....we can d/l mkv file here????

2009-7-8 02:14 AM mickeyGoUp
回復 #7 Flora 的帖子

just another file format like rmvb, avi, mp4, mpg, etc, but this one is called mkv.  And with this format, a 1GB 45min video has super clear video quality.  Although the file size is 4 times bigger, but the quality is more than 4 times higher than rmvb.  Once you have seen mkv, you will not want to switch back to rmvb.  :P

I didn't see anyone 轉貼 mkv torrent here, but I can ask Jello to do it if you are interested.  But expect to take at least a few hours to BT.  :P

2009-7-8 03:41 AM Flora
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2009-7-8 02:14 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
just another file format like rmvb, avi, mp4, mpg, etc, but this one is called mkv.  And with this format, a 1GB 45min video has super clear video quality.  Although the file size is 4 times bigger, b ... [/quote]

hahaha, no need.....coz I just wonder.....and time is money.....

2009-7-8 03:45 AM jyfymy
How does it compare to just use the PC/laptop to play
RMVB files over a LCD TV?

2009-7-8 07:51 PM mickeyGoUp
[quote]原帖由 [i]jyfymy[/i] 於 2009-7-7 03:45 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
How does it compare to just use the PC/laptop to play
RMVB files over a LCD TV? [/quote]
It depends on the size of the TV.  If you are talking about a 25" LCD TV vs a 19-22" PC LCD monitor, it really does not make a big difference.  And as you know, the smaller the screen, the better it looks because there is no stretching.

I was playing it on a 42" LCD TV, but yet, it depends on how you output it to the TV.  Like I said in the previous post, if you connected your PC directly to the TV, it is probably very close to playing it with the media player on TV.  But I was using PS3 as a media client, and streamed the video from the media server (TVersity) on my PC through WiFi, and TVersity transcodes all the RMVB video to a format that PS3 recognize, that kills the quality.  So if I compare the NBOX/M98 to the PS3 streaming, it makes a big difference!!

It really depends on whether or not you like to watch RMVB on TV.  I did it not mainly for the quality, I am totally okay watching it on my laptop or PC screen.  But there are elderly's in my house who do not like to watch on small screen.  And the media players become a good option.  :)

2009-7-9 01:11 AM 小美
好有興趣呀, 呢邊有得買嘛?

2009-7-10 04:25 AM ultraegg
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2009-7-6 21:57 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
UPDATE 2009-07-07:
唔記得左講,RCA M98 係可以內置一個 2.5" SATA hdd 既,只要拆開四粒螺絲同個蓋就可以裝入。

UPDATE 2009-07-07:
由於網上搵唔到 M98 呢個 model,絕對有理由懷疑呢部係一部大陸老翻,企圖模仿 RCA L8H,但又抄唔足。[/quote]

hdd size 最大係幾多?  

card reader ... support sdhc??

老翻 .... 抄到個名十足喎 .....

2009-7-11 04:31 AM Flora
我想問....可唔可以駁 dvd external drive????

2009-7-12 12:52 AM Flora
[quote]原帖由 [i]Flora[/i] 於 2009-7-11 04:31 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
我想問....可唔可以駁 dvd external drive???? [/quote]

coz I burn all in data I wonder can it or not....

2009-7-12 03:27 AM Flora
2.5 hdd 唔洗另插插蘇???? or you mean the internal 2.5 hdd????

2009-7-12 06:21 AM Flora know I'm bad in this.....usually how much is it?

2009-7-13 11:21 AM Flora
then I think I should get it from HK....

2009-7-13 12:14 PM mpiipm
can u ask your friend where exactly he bought the devices from? Address with store name would be so helpful!!:D

2009-7-15 05:21 AM Flora
so which one you recommend????

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