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2009-7-1 02:48 PM 小美
我個external hard drive 壞左

有冇方法可以攞番 D files 出黎呀?

2009-7-1 03:32 PM ultraegg
係點壞法? detect 唔到? 有怪聲? 詳細少少先知點幫妳喎

2009-7-1 04:00 PM 小美
[quote]原帖由 [i]ultraegg[/i] 於 2009-7-1 03:32 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
係點壞法? detect 唔到? 有怪聲? 詳細少少先知點幫妳喎 [/quote]

yes, 有怪聲.  "tak tak tak" only.  and when i plugged in, it says "do you want to format hard drive"
and i named it as "my book", it only shows "local drive", help please!

2009-7-2 01:03 AM mickeyGoUp
老實講,如果係個 hdd 壞左,真係凶多吉少架... 我地早前係 chatroom 傾過,又話放入雪櫃又剩,但都未必救得返...

egg, 您估 zebra 介紹果個 software re 唔 recover 到呢?

2009-7-2 01:07 AM 小美
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2009-7-2 01:03 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
老實講,如果係個 hdd 壞左,真係凶多吉少架... 我地早前係 chatroom 傾過,又話放入雪櫃又剩,但都未必救得返...

egg, 您估 zebra 介紹果個 software re 唔 recover 到呢? ... [/quote]

:lc14: :lc051: 唔制呀:lc100:

米奇呀, 旦旦呀, 救我呀:lc075:

人家有好多人地既肉照係個 hdd 到架:lc099: :lc113:

2009-7-2 02:01 AM mickeyGoUp
點解個 hdd 會無端端壞既?  冇跌過?  咩牌子?  買左幾耐呢?

2009-7-2 02:35 AM mpiipm
I feel your pain & sorrow!!:pn48:  it happened to me last year only mine contained only movies and shows.

2009-7-2 03:31 AM 小美
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2009-7-2 02:01 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
點解個 hdd 會無端端壞既?  冇跌過?  咩牌子?  買左幾耐呢? [/quote]


save save 吓野, save 唔到, 咁我就restart 左個電腦, 之後就去左訓覺覺豬, 第二日起身發現半夜 power surge, 咁咪再 restart, restart 完之後就搵唔返個 hdd 喇.

完全冇跌過, 牌子係 wd "my book" 500GB USB, 用左大概年半至兩年 ( 係朋友平賣俾我地 )

點呀, 米奇有得救冇?

2009-7-2 03:32 AM 小美
[quote]原帖由 [i]mpiipm[/i] 於 2009-7-2 02:35 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
I feel your pain & sorrow!!:pn48:  it happened to me last year only mine contained only movies and shows. [/quote]


2009-7-2 03:35 AM Flora
[quote]原帖由 [i]小美[/i] 於 2009-7-2 03:32 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]

我唔止呢:lc069: [/quote]

did you change the case???

2009-7-2 04:01 AM 小美
[quote]原帖由 [i]Flora[/i] 於 2009-7-2 03:35 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]

did you change the case??? [/quote]

no ar

2009-7-2 04:08 AM mickeyGoUp
My Book? 咁即係 external hdd 黎喎!  

咁可能可以試下用 d software 去 recover 播... 至於有 d 咩 software,呢樣野就交俾我地既人肉 search engine 阿蛋去回您勒!

總之就千其唔好 format 個 drive 住!

2009-7-2 04:12 AM 小美
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2009-7-2 04:08 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
My Book? 咁即係 external hdd 黎喎!  

咁可能可以試下用 d software 去 recover 播... 至於有 d 咩 software,呢樣野就交俾我地既人肉 search engine 阿蛋去回您勒!

總之就千其唔好 format 個 drive 住! ... [/quote]

係呀, 係  external hdd

一  plug 佢就問我 format 唔 format, 梗係死人都唔 format 喇 !!!!!

旦旦, 梗係返工好忙, 成朝都唔見佢.

2009-7-2 04:14 AM mickeyGoUp
回復 #13 小美 的帖子

今日加拿大國慶呀,阿蛋連放三日假!  您可能要等晏少少佢先會 online

2009-7-2 04:29 AM 小美
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2009-7-2 04:14 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
今日加拿大國慶呀,阿蛋連放三日假!  您可能要等晏少少佢先會 online [/quote]

oh, 原來係放假, 唔怪得唔見左佢喇.
我會等佢架 :lc095:

2009-7-2 09:49 AM ultraegg
[quote]原帖由 [i]小美[/i] 於 2009-7-1 04:00 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
yes, 有怪聲.  "tak tak tak" only.  and when i plugged in, it says "do you want to format hard drive"
and i named it as "my book", it only shows "local drive", help please! [/quote]

[quote]原帖由 [i]小美[/i] 於 2009-7-1 16:12 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
係呀, 係  external hdd
一  plug 佢就問我 format 唔 format, 梗係死人都唔 format 喇 !!!!!
旦旦, 梗係返工好忙, 成朝都唔見佢.
旦哥哥:lc067: [/quote]

照妳的講法, 一係 HDD controller 傻o左, 一係 boot sector 死 / 花o左. 而 "tak tak tak" 係 reading head 出事

基本上, end user 好難有咩方法可以做到, 但可以試拎個 有的 hdd, 然後駁USB to SATA/IDE cable, 試下可唔可以正常搵返個 hdd; 至於 "tak tak tak" 問題, 當正常 detect 後都唔能正常 read data, 咁試下放唔同的位置, 例如反轉, 橫放 ..... 等, 希望搵到個無聲的位, 咁應該可以暫時read 到! 另有一個終極方法, 放入冰格唔多過 15mins, 然後再駁 USB to SATA/IDE cable, 最多時都會正常用到一段短時間!

而妳依家的問題, 好難有 aplication 可以救到, 除非hdd 正常運作又無怪聲, 咁就有 application 可以救內裏的 data. 真係有需要的話, 只好搵 data recover 公司幫手

2009-7-2 02:22 PM 小美
[quote]原帖由 [i]ultraegg[/i] 於 2009-7-2 09:49 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]

照妳的講法, 一係 HDD controller 傻o左, 一係 boot sector 死 / 花o左. 而 "tak tak tak" 係 reading head 出事

基本上, end user 好難有咩方法可以做到, 但可以試拎個 有的 hdd, 然後駁USB to SATA/IDE cabl ... [/quote]

旦哥哥, :lc099:

我試吓先, 有咩新消息再通知你地

2009-7-3 01:18 AM 小美
:lc051: 唔制呀   :lc051: 唔要呀
:lc080: 救唔到呀

2009-7-3 11:59 AM 1022292057
sounds like partition is damaged (sector physically damaged by the power surge or partition data virtually damaged by the sudden disrupt to the read/write of drive), which make sense that it has the "tak tak tak" sound since it will read the header for the partition repeatively.

if partition is the only thing that got damaged, then shouldn't be a problem to recover ur data using software ends, can build a bridge to the data, which alot of softwares in the market can do

in ur case, definitely there is way to recover ur data, just that there ar many advance techniques or neccessary equipments that u may not be able to perform by urself,  for example, u can directly hook up the disks cylinder to a custom header and read it off a genric board, or bypassing the partition to drive through bytes inside the harddrive using low-level coding

1) try Active@ Partition Recovery, just use the demo and see if you are able to detect the previous or any deleted partition on your damaged drive (do a scan on the unallocated partition)
If it's able to detect previous partition and shows you the data, then partition can be fixed, u can either buy the software or just download the BT from isohunt or sth

2) try partition recovery first, as data recovery software in the markets are not very reliable. If partition cannot be recovered, can try data recovery software, EASEUS data recovery is a good one, should be able to at least recover large part of ur data from what i heard about ur case since drive is still detectable

3) if still can't but absolutely need data back, get a data recovery company to do it for u, but will cost a lot

4) last last resort like if u have already given up, format the drive, then try recover data using data recovery software. Since data do not actually get permanently erased after the first format, which we consider as high-level format, but expect large a mount of files not to be perfectly recoverable

2009-7-4 01:01 PM mickeyGoUp
Hey numbie, again, some good information you provided.  Thanks!

I have a question about your advice #4.  When you said "high-level" format, do you mean to perform a "quick format" which only format the file system tables?  Or any type of format will do?

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