2009-2-13 07:59 PM 原次郎
盛世仁傑 The Greatness Of A Hero 版本

[size=3]由於有兩個版本~ 本人沒時間兩個都上傳~ 只好選一個啦~  請你們投票較喜歡那一個吧~~~ ^^

[color=Red]udesire的版本每集250MB左右~ 畫質和hdz的很接近~

6cn第六感的版本每集300MB左右~ 畫質比udesire好~ [/color]

可再此下載第一集的兩個版本比較 (mf 和 ss 會隨後放上):


還有一個udesire的AVI版~ 每集350MB左右~ 但畫質與他們的RMVB沒有多大分別呢~~ 所以我相信沒需多下載100MB吧~~[/size]

2009-2-14 03:26 AM beta123
[size=4]uDesire [size = 250MB] [quality = 750Kpbs] [contrast = duller]
6CN [size = 300MB] [quality = 979Kpbs] [contrast = sharper][/size]

[size=3]i do have to stress that if anyone is going to chase the daily episode and watch it and discard, you wouldn't need a dvd-rmvb whereas if you guys want to achrive them or make them into dvds to play on stand alone dvd players, i highly recommend for the 6CN version[/size]

2009-2-14 03:32 AM noasian
download jor both versions ~ hai...6cn lang gor uDesire wor

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