2008-7-11 09:52 AM history9a
MacBook Mic

Hey guys,

Have you guys used the plug-in mic? The built-in works fine, but it won't work when I use a plug-in.  Do you guys have the same problem? I went into system preference to made the necessary setting, it recognized the mic, but I could't hear anything.

2008-7-11 12:21 PM ultraegg
you need to go to "system preferences'>"input">"line in". there should be an input volume bar you can adjust. see if that solves your problem.

2008-7-13 04:45 AM history9a
[quote]原帖由 [i]ultraegg[/i] 於 2008-7-11 12:21 PM 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=178092&ptid=29196][img]http://www.lipscorner.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
you need to go to "system preferences'>"input">"line in". there should be an input volume bar you can adjust. see if that solves your problem. [/quote]

Hey, I tried, but nothing happened.

2008-7-13 05:52 AM ultraegg
I did some search and most of apple computers  is a LINE IN jack and not a MICROPHONE jack.

Wish the following link can help:

otherwise, get a USB microphone or something like:

Griffin iMic 2 USB Audio Interface

2008-7-14 04:42 AM history9a
is there a huge differences between line in jack and microphone jack? I thought they were the same after all.

Anyway, the interesting thing is that it worked the first 2 weeks, and then all in a sudden, it just not functioning. And i thought it was the mic, but then when i used it on PC, it worked fine.

2008-9-6 08:53 PM 收買佬
No they are different, but can be used... provided you are careful. Mic ports generally provide some power down the socket to power the microphone whereas the linein port doesn't have this. The mic port also is a lot more sensitive, a very low level input where as linein is a line level input. Some Mic ports are MONO ... older ones generally. New ones are stereo.

this is your answer

2009-1-11 09:27 AM hohongkongtak
:D so good

2012-7-4 03:39 PM yuywl1911
Mark up 一下,留个印[img]http://www.pgpop.com/image/face1.gif[/img]


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