LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 不是影評人 - Movie Reviews » The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008-08-01) [動作] [英語]

2008-7-9 07:33 AM mickeyGoUp
The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor (2008-08-01) [動作] [英語]


[float=left][quote]Explorer Rick O'Connell to combat the resurrected Han Emperor in an epic that races from the catacombs of ancient China high into the frigid Himalayas. Rick is joined in this all-new adventure by son Alex, wife Evelyn and her brother, Jonathan. And this time, the O'Connells must stop a mummy awoken from a 2,000-year-old curse who threatens to plunge the world into his merciless, unending service. Doomed by a double-crossing sorceress to spend eternity in suspended animation, China's ruthless Dragon Emperor and his 10,000 warriors have laid forgotten for eons, entombed in clay as a vast, silent terra cotta army. But when dashing adventurer Alex O'Connell is tricked into awakening the ruler from eternal slumber, the reckless young archaeologist must seek the help of the only people who know more than he does about taking down the undead: his parents. As the monarch roars back to life, our heroes find his quest for world domination has only intensified over the millennia. Striding the Far East with unimaginable supernatural powers, the Emperor Mummy will rouse his legion as an unstoppable, otherworldly force... unless the O'Connells can stop him first. [/quote]


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2008-8-4 10:52 AM MT
三個字 ...       好失望

2008-8-4 12:30 PM mickeyGoUp
我未睇呀!  但如果去睇,都係去捧下 楊紫瓊 同 隻 Li 場咋!

乜咁差咩?  您本來期望 d 咩架呢?

2009-3-16 01:16 AM 白手興家
唯一要看的是特技, 動作打鬥場面不竟不是主線吧

2009-3-16 04:00 AM mickeyGoUp
我分開幾次睇先睇得完。 完全冇令我想追落去既劇情,特技係多,但現代既觀眾見慣見熟,冇咩新意,亦冇咩驚喜。

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