LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 不是影評人 - Movie Reviews » WALL-E (2008-06-27) [動畫/喜劇] [英語]

2008-6-25 12:15 PM mickeyGoUp
WALL-E (2008-06-27) [動畫/喜劇] [英語]

[float=left][img=200,338][/img]  [youtube2=413,338]UblUO0LjPUg[/youtube2]

[float=left][quote]What if mankind had to leave Earth, and somebody forgot to turn the last robot off? Wall-E, spends every day doing what he was made for. But soon, he will discover what he was meant for, as he adventures across the galaxy chasing his dream. [/quote]


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2008-8-4 01:05 PM mickeyGoUp
終於尋日走左去睇 WALL-E!  間戲院唔多人,個個去晒睇 Mummy,唔洗同人迫!  加上有 買一送一 deal,所以好抵睇!!  :)

講返套戲先!  有人話,呢套係一套拍俾成年人睇既動畫,內裡既訊息唔係一般小朋友會領會到。 我呢排用得腦太多,尋日去睇時,唔想諗太多野,所以就帶住一個小朋友既心態去睇 WALL-E,但奈何我始終係一個成年人,佢故事裡想表達既悲哀訊息、想警剔世人既喻意,我全部收到晒;而果大部份無對白齋動作既電影情節,雖然都幾得意幾生鬼,但始終未能夠滿足到我。  可能我係一個喜歡聽人講野既人,我覺得以前 Pixar 果 d 電影裡既對白好抵死好好笑,WALL-E 好似缺乏左對白後,d 笑法唔同左,比較幼稚 d。

不過可能由於對白少左,就冇咁多野去分我心,所以我留意多左佢既 CG。 Pixar 每部動畫都有 d 新突破,今次我唔知佢地突破在邊一方面,我無時間去睇有關既資料,但我只係一路睇一路讚嘆佢地既 CG!  唔明點解 CG 可以做到咁有質感?!!!  直頭令我覺得佢地其實係用模型去拍攝而唔係用 CG 既!!  所以,單係睇 CG 都值回票價呢!!!


2008-10-18 01:59 AM girlindream
I had really enjoy this movie!! i thought it's very amazing how Pixar was able to communicate many of their ideas and thoughts without any talking. I think most people thought this wasn't a story for kids because there's barely any talking in the first half of the movie but i think it was this that built up the plot for the later half of the movie. I have always liked Pixar's production so I might be a bit biased but this movie is in a diff category than all the others just b/c the style was very different.

2008-11-24 01:23 PM Coolio
just saw it on dvd a few nites ago, don't i regret not watching it at the theater when it was on...i found this as the best pixar production film yet...

i am up for discussions as well, mickey and others :)

2008-11-26 10:13 PM mickeyGoUp
Coolio,您覺得今次 pixar 有冇話專登響動畫既邊一方面找突破呢?  我總體黎講覺得好正!  但冇深入研究。 好想買隻 blu-ray。 :P

2008-12-8 12:43 PM Coolio
回復 #5 mickeyGoUp 的帖子

i think most are impressed by how photorealistic the CGI are as you said, just can't beat Pixar on that continues to better itself with each of it's feature film...

getting a blu-ray disc dvd would be ideal :)

2009-1-3 12:31 AM 小杯

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