2008-6-19 08:41 PM ffhk
Mac vs PC

有意想換電腦(我現用winxp, media centre).

我主要用我的電腦看電影及玩photoshop/illustrator. 在 computer shop內看到一部 Mac, 被它的外型及運作介面深深吸引﹐ 但實質不知它跟PC的主要分別﹐ 只知它們的最大分別是 Mac 貴過 PC 好多:D

請問有沒有朋友真正用過 Mac﹐ 可告知兩者的區別及其優勝之處﹖

2008-6-19 09:01 PM ffhk
[quote]原帖由 [i]floflo[/i] 於 2008-6-19 08:41 PM 發表 [url=http://lipscorner.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=175695&ptid=28754][img]http://lipscorner.net/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
有意想換電腦(我現用winxp, media centre).

我主要用我的電腦看電影及玩photoshop/illustrator. 在 computer shop內看到一部 Mac, 被它的外型及運作介面深深吸引﹐ 但實質不知它跟PC的主要分別﹐ 只知它們的最大分別是  ... [/quote]

剛剛上了 Apple 的網站﹐ 睇到它有一個 usb  modem, 意思是否要再買這東西才可上網﹖﹖ by the way現在我用的 computer 是要用router上網的。

2008-6-19 09:46 PM ultraegg
hihi flo, 我地都有好幾位活躍members用 mac 機, 希望佢都會入黎分享一下啦!

我2樣都有用, 簡單講句 mac 機貴係係因為真係好過 pc 好多! 但方便程度就遠遠差過pc 啦! pc 要 upgrade, 求其一間retail store 都搵/買到你要的parts, 但 mac 相對地少好多 (不過好少 mac 友會不斷 upgrade, 加呢樣加o個樣咁!:P )

只要你習慣 mac os 後, 同windows 唔會有好大出入, 而且唔會 crash / hang 機! :pn30: 一般做graphic 的朋友都會用 mac, 所以都好合你的情況! 至於你講的modem, 除非你一定要用電話線上網, 不則無一定需要, 因為 mac 己跟 network card, 大部份laptop 亦有 wireless network.

2008-6-21 04:53 AM ah_cho

多得benben介紹我用parallel desktop
我可以同一時間行apple既OS (OSX)同PC既OS (windows)
好方便,我部macbook係2G Ram,行埋windows XP都好ok

問題唔係用parallel desktop行windows慢,係用開OSX,覺得windows好鬼慢 (even已經係normal speed,應該仲要快啲,我以前部laptop得512Ram咋)


唔會無端端hang機 (我用咗咁耐都未試過hang到要reboot)

用開windows就要記過晒啲short key (eg: control -P係windows入面既print, OSX變咗 command -P),不過用落問題唔大
有啲software你要買過 (eg: MS office),如果唔係,你可以用返windows software用windows run都得,不過用落你就唔會
用parallel desktop凈係support 最多2G Ram,行vista最少都要1-2G,所以最好行返XP


仲有, 而家until 9月 (唔記得exact date,你可以check下),學生買macbook,有ipod Touch送 (up to $319 value),canada同US都有,details check返佢個website啦
人頭豬買都送咗一部 (比咗我)

細細聲:apple online order其實唔係好check你係咪student,就咁入個student ID入去就ok,from start to end 都無問過我地攞ID card confirm
student買仲平 $100

2008-6-27 08:12 PM 小神
我自己冇mac 但有用過一排..
不過我唔太熟mac 運作..
話mac 快一開頭真係覺得好快架..
變到同window 差唔多..
我唔熟mac 所以唔識speed up 番佢..

我最唔鍾意mac 係有時難搵software用..
window 想用乜都好易搵到..
但mac 就難少少..

所以我暫時都係用番window 先..
但係都比iphone 3g 吸引住:)

2008-6-27 08:39 PM mickeyGoUp
iphone 3g 都係 run Linux 係咪?

2008-6-27 09:44 PM ultraegg
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2008-6-27 08:39 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=176467&ptid=28754][img]http://www.lipscorner.net/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
iphone 3g 都係 run Linux 係咪? [/quote]

No No, Linux not for applie product. iPhone OS is the operating system developed by Apple Inc. for the iPhone and iPod touch. Like Mac OS X, from which it was derived, it uses the Darwin foundation. iPhone OS has three abstraction layers: a Core Services layer, a Media layer, and a Cocoa Touch layer. The operating system takes less than half a gigabyte (GB) of the devices' total memory storage.

2008-6-27 10:31 PM mickeyGoUp
Oh i see!  我之前唔只聽邊個講話係用 Linux..  我都諗: "有咁著數??" :P

2008-6-28 12:05 AM ultraegg
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2008-6-27 10:31 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=176475&ptid=28754][img]http://www.lipscorner.net/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
Oh i see!  我之前唔只聽邊個講話係用 Linux..  我都諗: "有咁著數??" :P [/quote]

係咪大陸"愛" phone 呀? :lc08:

2008-6-29 09:19 AM 小神
[quote]原帖由 [i]ultraegg[/i] 於 2008-6-28 12:05 AM 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=176493&ptid=28754][img]http://www.lipscorner.net/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

係咪大陸"愛" phone 呀? :lc08: [/quote]

如果iphone 3g 真係賣us 199 加上月費不太貴..
愛phone 咪要執粒lor :pn04:

2008-6-29 11:08 AM ultraegg
月費 ......... 聽講世界各角的用費都唔會平得去遠, 而且大部份都會lock 2年甚至3年, 因為聽講可以到咁平, 係因為cell phone 公司要補貼返apple 喎!

如果要US$50一個月, 加 lock 3年的話, $199 未必吸引到我轉用啦

2008-7-1 01:38 AM history9a
I have been waiting for a dedicated Mac section for a LONG TIME!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally!!!

Well, I am a Mac user. I use Mac at home, and use PC at work. I can't saying more after seeing what ah_cho said about Mac, the advantage and disadvantage.

However, I am assuming that ah_cho bought a MacBook Pro. For the people not so familiar with Mac Notebooks, there are 3 different models of notebook - 1) MacBook 2) MacBook Pro and 3) MacBook Air. Of course you can tell that MacBook is  just the basic entry level notebook. However, it performs a lot better than all entry level PC notebook. Yes, Mac are expensive because of their standards. If you were to buy about the same spec of PC, the price is not that much different.

Anyway, ah_cho said he installed a Parallel software on his Mac. I don't think Parallel runs okay with MacBook. It kinda slow everything, both PC and Mac. If you need to run both OS, you will need a MacBook Pro for better performance.

For MacBook Air, it is the tiniest yet notebook in the world,  but it doesn't have a optical drive. That is the problem. Meaning if you need to install something from a CD, you will need another computer to help you do this or you will need to buy an external DVD-ROM/ DVD burner. It can be troublesome. However, it is really light! MacBook air is definitely better than MacBook in terms of performance, but not sure if it is better than MacBook Pro.

I think one advantage that ah_cho forgot to mention about Mac is that the battery last really long!

ah_cho, do you mean HKD or USD? You meant USD, right?

2008-7-1 02:44 AM ah_cho
2G Ram行parallel可能係會慢啲,但係加到4G Ram就問題唔大,我用windows run analysis都無問題,快過用PC添

2008-7-1 10:20 AM history9a

Do you use a retail version of windows or a burn version is fine to install using parallel?

MacBook? 4GB? OMG! I only have 1GB. Hehehehe.... Didn't upgrade anything after I bought it... I think it is time to upgrade my memory.

2008-7-1 12:07 PM ah_cho
[quote]原帖由 [i]history9a[/i] 於 2008-6-30 08:20 PM 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=176845&ptid=28754][img]http://www.lipscorner.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Do you use a retail version of windows or a burn version is fine to install using parallel?

MacBook? 4GB? OMG! I only have 1GB. Hehehehe.... Didn't upgrade anything after I bought it... I th ... [/quote]
但係parallel就係download cracked version

2008-7-2 04:00 AM history9a

Do you know if the ram for Mac and PC are the same kind?

2008-7-2 10:18 AM ah_cho
[quote]原帖由 [i]history9a[/i] 於 2008-7-1 02:00 PM 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.com/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=176884&ptid=28754][img]http://www.lipscorner.com/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

Do you know if the ram for Mac and PC are the same kind? [/quote]
我都係上網買,買返for mac既就ok

2008-7-2 10:33 AM history9a

The ram are expensive!!!!!!! I found, from Apple's website, 2GB cost $200 USD! If I can find it from ebay, might be cheaper, but not by much.....

2008-7-2 12:48 PM ultraegg
[quote]原帖由 [i]history9a[/i] 於 2008-7-1 22:33 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=176904&ptid=28754][img]http://www.lipscorner.net/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

The ram are expensive!!!!!!! I found, from Apple's website, 2GB cost $200 USD! If I can find it from ebay, might be cheaper, but not by much..... [/quote]

history9a, 你同 apple store 買就當然貴啦, 但同retail store 買平好多! 雖然你唔係 toronto 人, 但比個價作為參考啦!!

kingston 2x2GB 都係 CAD$120.

2008-7-3 01:30 AM history9a

Do you know if they ship to US?

You are from toronot as well? Any good computers' website from canada?

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