LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 電腦硬件迷宮 - Lost In Hardware » update on march 6 係時候要換laptop啦

2008-3-3 03:39 PM ah_cho
update on march 6 係時候要換laptop啦

我自己用開dell 700m,12吋mon 0個部

我舊係8cell電,以前可以用at least 4個鐘,而家連20分鐘都last唔到
我check過要買過新既原廠電差唔多要300蚊 (cad)
部機overall係無問題,係個mon有一點dead pixel (我仲有保養,但係dell話唔夠壞,唔肯整)

同埋要輕 (我成日要羅住周圍去),同埋舊電要耐

2008-3-3 11:51 PM ultraegg
third party 電好似唔係咁貴喎! 但搵到website 再話比妳知!

其實有無諗過 apple mac? e.g. macbook pro? macbook air 都好正o架! 依家可以preload windows.

細screen laptop 真係無乜, 最細好似係13". 北美大部份都轉晒17" .... :lc04: (咁大部同拎desktop出街唔係差唔多)

ibm 仲有細機可以睇下, 不過己經變成 lenovo ibm (即係大陸機:

hp: 得一部

其他牌子都好貴, 近2k ... 應該妳唔會諗!

2008-3-4 01:43 AM ah_cho
mac book可以preload windows?
即係所有野都係under windows?

2008-3-4 02:03 AM ultraegg
依家mac 機行 intel cpu 的話, 有option 比妳, 可以裝dual boot 行 windows xp. vista 就唔知幾時先知.

有關mac 機妳問呀ben啦, 佢係專家

2008-3-4 03:22 AM ah_cho
我未用過mac book呀,真係大鄉理
我岩岩去過apple website,見到有一部mac book都好似好ok咁
1349 0個部,佢係行intel
真係要問下ben ben啦
ben ben,你0係邊呀?

2008-3-4 04:55 AM ultraegg
以我所知就唔需要, wireless 係internet issue, 只要support wireless format 802.11 a/b/n 就可以上網. macbook 就有 enthernet build-in.

但如果要mac 同 pc 有家可以互相 share files, 就要少少setup, 因為windows build-in default 係唔 support mac

2008-3-4 06:35 AM 小神
asus 之前咪出左部超平超細o既laptop lor

2008-3-4 12:30 PM ultraegg
如果出asus laptop 的話, 咁我會出 acer 啦, qty 差唔多, 但平好多!

asus 依家唔算平啦! 但唔值咁的價錢

2008-3-4 11:46 PM benedictling
回復 #1 ah_cho 的帖子

嘈嘈,  if you want to buy a Mac, I suggest MacBook, but not MacBook Air.  I don't know too much about MacBook Air, because I still don't have a chance to use no comment.  

As 蛋兄 said, MacBook already has Build-in Ethernet, and it can detect any wireless router.  So you don't have to worry about this.  But MacBook Air needs to buy another Ethernet adapter...this is one thing that I don't like.

MacBook uses Intel Core 2 Duo processor...because of this reason, you can load XP or Vista in.  But you need another software (Bootcamp or Parallel Desktop)  The difference between these 2 programs are:

-  Bootcamp is free, it comes with the Leopard (OSX).  You can choose to boot Windows or Mac when you fire up your laptop.  But you can't switch between two OS.  You must need to restart your laptop for change the OS.

-  Paralle Desktop costs about $80.  This program allows you to install XP/Vista also.  When you fire up your laptop, it will start with Mac OS first, then you can start Windows in the Mac OS.  This mean you can run Mac and Windows system at the same time.  You can switch to XP anytime when you are using Mac OS.  You can make the windows invisable and bring it up.

I hope this answer can help you out.

2008-3-7 09:37 AM ah_cho
有無人知apple個extended warranty係cover d咩架?
好似同dell唔同,無complete care boh
即係apple淨係cover detect,但係人為係無得cover

同埋mac book connect cable internet係唔係要買多舊野呀?

我已經打算買mac book啦

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