LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 食完要講講 United States - Food Review » [NY-New York][Manhattan Midtown][日本菜] Sakae Sushi 迴轉壽司店

2008-2-14 01:31 AM nburks
[NY-New York][Manhattan Midtown][日本菜] Sakae Sushi 迴轉壽司店

著名新加坡連鎖迴轉壽司店 Sakae Sushi 終於響Manhattan中城開張。好似幾High Tech﹐ 客人除左食迴轉壽司外﹐可以直接用電腦點餐。






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-  屋企人試過話唔好食;重有佢哋計錢嗰system有問題.樣樣都計double...如果你要去試;記得一定要check單!!

-  Went there for pick-up order with the mrs last night.
Took about 30 mins for the order to be ready but the sushi is excellent. For the price range this is one of the best quality in NYC in the mrs opinion. If you are ordering take out, call in advance.Another thing to note is the table are small, max 4-5 people in a table, maybe 6 if willing to squeeze

-  尋日去左...我諗係新開張...所以無咩人....就係因為無咩人..所以都無咩攞D轉轉下既壽司...自己Order...係個電腦到按下按下...D壽司都好抵食....
$1.9既都有好多款式...都已經有好多魚食...有octopus...有jellyfish (好好食, 好特別)...有soft shell crab....但係nigiri個D...就算係egg...都要$3.9...handroll 就$3.9....有D外面都有魚既...就$6.9....自己order既...D野新鮮到不得了...我地兩個人去食..都係食左$22.00...連tips...
咁但係唔係飽到行唔到啦.....而且無飲酒....下次如果大家去既時候...留意下佢wndows到擺既gift...係有佢既logo公仔. 仲有...其實間野係on 43rd st....(on the south side of the street)...

2008-5-23 11:29 PM 翰hon
如果二十蚊左右可以食一餐 又幾抵~仲要兩個人~~岩晒我~

2008-7-21 11:05 AM nburks
看來你是NY 食家。

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