LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 電腦硬件迷宮 - Lost In Hardware » 電腦set左password係唔係一定安全

2007-11-27 10:43 AM ffhk

我個電腦(winxp)set左 password, 係米一定安全, 唔會有人開到我個腦.


2007-11-27 10:18 PM mickeyGoUp
以我所知,除非人地有您部電腦既 Administrator password,又或者您之前有整過一張 Password Reset Disk,而被人地羅左,否則,就算連您自己唔記得左個 password,都無辦法可以入到部電腦,到時唯一方法係重裝 Windows XP。

2007-11-28 07:16 PM ffhk
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2007-11-27 10:18 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
以我所知,除非人地有您部電腦既 Administrator password,又或者您之前有整過一張 Password Reset Disk,而被人地羅左,否則,就算連您自己唔記得左個 password,都無辦法可以入到部電腦,到時唯一方法係重裝 Windows XP。 ... [/quote]


2007-11-29 02:52 AM ultraegg
可以再作出少少修改, 當係增加大家係呢方面的知識. 米奇所講的應該算係95%, 對一般用家黎講唔見o左password真係無咩方法, 除o左reinstall真係無咩方法, 而setup password理論上亦好安全.

但遇上呢方面的專家 / 有心人就會係另外的5%. 因為要crack 一般由6個單一字母組(e.g. 123456 or abcdef)成的windows password 大約只需3分鐘. 所以建意大家設定password時, 最好係不定期更改, 而passwrod的組合, 最好係有大細字母及數字mix 埋, 而password最起碼有8個字(e.g. pH0ne5 -> 意思係phones). 咁相對會安全好多, 亦增加crack的難度. 當然, 無乜特別利益, 相信無人會crack家用電腦.

至放有無方法知道有無其他人用過你部電腦, 係絕對有的, 甚至可以好清楚記錄低使用者使用的password, 去過o既每一個網站, login入網站的password .... 等, 但呢方面太專業啦, 我唔方便公開同大家討論.

2007-11-29 04:11 AM mickeyGoUp
原來係咁!!  5分鐘就 crack 到﹐咁真係幾快喎!!!

[quote]至放有無方法知道有無其他人用過你部電腦, 係絕對有的, 甚至可以好清楚記錄低使用者使用的password, 去過o既每一個網站, login入網站的password .... 等, 但呢方面太專業啦, 我唔方便公開同大家討論.[/quote]

太專業? 係唔係即係好難學呢?  :P  有無簡單  software 可以做到簡單 logging 呢?

2007-11-30 05:23 AM ultraegg
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2007-11-28 15:11 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
原來係咁!!  5分鐘就 crack 到﹐咁真係幾快喎!!!
太專業? 係唔係即係好難學呢?  :P  有無簡單  software 可以做到簡單 logging 呢? [/quote]

係呀, login password其實係有一個system file負責, 只要login dos mode console, 就好簡單咁crack 到!!

至於有無咩software ..... :pn28: 係有, 但要事先install 先有用, 所以唔算係hacker用的專業software. 事實上有某類software可以將password 的"●"轉返正常的字母, 但效果就一般般啦. 如果真係有興趣不如pm我啦.

2007-11-30 12:26 PM spoon_sir
setup password is only protect from other end-users. It is not safe at all. I  know there are a  bootable cd, when you bootup from that cd, you can remove the password within 1 min, no matter how you setup your password.
You can try to setup a password in BIOS, this is before you load windows, but careful if you forget your password, make sure you  know how to reset BIOS.

2008-4-1 02:24 AM super-hing
我記得睇一個新聞...話就算你有 SET PW, 而且"完成關機"都好....

"佢地" 都可以係D RAM 到搵哂你D野出黎....不過 好似要雪條RAM- -


2008-4-1 07:18 AM 1022292057
Winxp password is not safe at all, it can be easily crack under 5 min,
As long as ur password is being stored in ur computer, and someone has a hold of that computer, then there are tons of ways to crack it
it's more safe with BIOS password, but it can still easily be cracked
and yes u can grap it from DRAM too, but there are tons of easier ways,  

so as long as ppl have a hold of ur machine, they can crack it

for logging, if it's just to see if computer has been boot up, u can easily see that in eventviewer, no software required, ofcoz there're more softwares out that that can monitor more closely
and if someone has the knownledge to crack ur password, it won't be too hard for them to clear out ur logging too

Safest is hardware lock, where the comp will need a flash drive KEY in order to unlock

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