LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 食完要講講 United States - Food Review » [New York-NY] [港式] 糖潮 Sweet-n-Tart Cafe

2006-6-30 09:08 AM mickeyGoUp
[New York-NY] [港式] 糖潮 Sweet-n-Tart Cafe

其實 new york 唐人街有好多其他選擇﹐不過當日我地一行十三人﹐又有長輩在場﹐又唔係我地頭﹐所以就由得佢地決定去邊度食囉。

糖潮我係第二次食。 老實講就普普通通﹐不過不失。 價錢因為比起其他較貴﹐所以就連星期日 lunch 都唔係太多人去﹐想傾計唔會太曹﹐野食方面唔係難食﹐但又唔係話必食。

我響加拿大  Edmonton 或 Toronto 都食過好多好食過佢既

[u]蜜汁燒骨 (之類)[/u]
都 ok 既﹐好送飯。

唔記得個名﹐值得一提係綠食既汁係西洋菜汁黎。 呢味菜幾得意﹐不過就唔係話咁抵食﹐未試過都可以試下既﹐但係我唔會話想再叫囉。

Ok 啦﹐一般炒河。

呢味係果餐食咁多度菜我覺得最出色既一度!!  皮薄餡靚!  絕對值得一試!

呢度菜都幾好味喎!  我第一次食咋﹐覺得幾好送飯﹐又無椒鹽肉排咁乾。

個 waiter 話係招牌甜品喎!!  唔惦囉!  又稀又無乜紫米又唔夠甜 d 耶果有煮到淋晒....

呢個糖水雖然普通 d﹐但都好過個所謂 "招牌"。

值得一提係佢個顏色比較古怪﹐黃黃啡啡﹐我朋友話有 d 蕉味。

2006-7-1 01:29 PM totoro
I like this


2006-7-3 05:00 PM ka*chun
不過, 菜汁...

2006-7-3 09:21 PM mickeyGoUp
[quote]原帖由 [i]ka*chun[/i] 於 2006-7-3 04:00 AM 發表
不過, 菜汁...
咁會唔會好怪同有d菜腥味架.... [/quote]

個汁就無怪味呀﹐不過 d 蝦就有 d 你平時食雲吞麵果隻味麵味﹐我唔識得講添﹐亦唔知果 d 係唔係就係蝦子麵既蝦子味呢?  有 d 朋友唔係咁鐘意囉。 :P

2006-7-13 11:30 AM faygain
I agreed that 糖潮 is very expensive... the food is not very tasty also.. just that it opens late at night, so when you are there late at
night and you want to have some Chinese food.. it is the place to go...

2006-7-20 12:34 AM hkv3

2006-7-25 04:48 AM dho
Agree, I went there a few times and average at best.

2006-7-26 03:19 AM zhaoyun
Compare to any restaurant in HK, 糖潮 is pretty bad

2006-7-26 08:58 AM kyct79
I used to go to Sweet N' Tart Cafe ( the one in Flushing), but now, I don't go there since the food is not that tasty and expensive,
Sometimes, if you go to 酒樓order take out, probably cheaoer than S N T. Anyway, you can say that is a pretty repesentative restaurant in NY.
But if you want to have good Chinese food, I suggest Joe Shanghai(鹿鳴春)

2006-8-3 06:43 AM exfireex1
Well, everyone is right. Sweet 'n' Tart is not only expensive, not tasty, the worst thing is that they give you so little. They use to have another branch restaurant in Mott street too, not it is closed. I guess this shows that they don't know how to run their business and to keep customer happy.

2006-8-8 12:39 AM hkv3
相信大家唔需要再為糖潮d 野好唔好食、係咪太貴而費心,因為最新消息顯示,呢間糖潮已經剛剛執左。

2006-8-10 08:08 AM duckiiee234
the food looks nice but most of the time it doesnt taste good n rip yu off

2006-9-1 02:17 AM hyoung888888
Your guys have very good reviews and opinions. I thought my tongue doesn't work, and I am the only one that
things this restaurant is average or lower than average.
Like you guys say, the only reason to go there is late at night when other restaurants  might be closed.

2006-9-2 05:39 AM ynamy
係, 勿街o個間已經結業, 變左蛋逹王, 現在只淨flushing那一家。

2006-9-7 08:47 AM samuel002
same here.....

quite expensive since the food is not so good
actually the food is ok if they lower the price

sometimes i go there only because there has a big parking lot behind

2006-9-8 01:57 AM mattyko

2006-9-9 08:13 PM 翰hon
其實個個都話港式~~~可惜~~~~師傅都唔係香港人 點識香港既功夫呀~

2006-9-15 12:12 PM evoqler
I think the food quality and service are both important.  Food are ok--average, price is expensive, portion is small, waiters are nasty not polite.

2006-11-14 11:18 AM jk4301
if you  like go to 酒樓, must be go Ocean ocean palace before! they open
on Decemeber.Now decoration is very grand . and the chief is come from H.K. hotel.
8TH AVE, 55 st street, Brooklyn.

2006-11-15 06:54 AM forbidden
hmm i never went there b4 =/

don't go to flushing much

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