2007-9-14 07:46 AM Heroic32

I accidentally deleted something in my computer, is there a way to get it back again?

2007-9-14 08:26 AM mickeyGoUp
If they are no longer in the recycle bin, then I don't think there is direct way to restore the files in Windows.  But there are softwares for recovering deleted files.  Some are free, but most are not.

I have found some freeware for you.  I have not tried them myself.  Use it as your own risk.


Hope that helps.  :)

2007-9-19 07:28 AM Heroic32
回復 #2 mickeyGoUp 的帖子

actually they didn't work

I asked my frd and he said that in my problem, I might not be able to get back the file

f a n Q for the wonderful help tho!!

2007-9-19 08:52 AM mickeyGoUp
Too bad to hear that.  Hope the files were not so important.

Now I think it is time to think of regular backup solution. :)

2019-11-1 10:11 PM waynenana66

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