LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 電腦硬件迷宮 - Lost In Hardware » 電腦突然short左!!! 麻煩救下我的小電!! >_<

2007-9-4 10:20 PM amytsoi
電腦突然short左!!! 麻煩救下我的小電!! >_<

我的NOTEBOOK是DELL的, 昨天有個flashdisk中毒我不知道, 打開之後感染了我電腦裡面的C:/windows/recycled.exe

我的防毒nod32幫我隔離了那個file, 然後我今天開電腦, 出了個 "不能打開C:/windows/recycled.exe" 的警告, 然後我將個file還原, 再scan多次, 還是有病毒, 我就想delete左個file拉, nod要我restart, 我照做, restart 後, 我再重新scan, 而且用nod裡面的一個叫"深入分析"之類的scan多次, 然後我行開左, 返來一看就出了個藍色畫面, 上面寫的我沒有留意.... 我心想之前也看過這類的藍色畫面, 以為restart之後頂多做個system restore就可以搞掂, 點知我晚上放學再打開, 部腦就有d嗒嗒聲, 而且入不到windows!!!! 寫左d類似係 "cannot locate hard disk" 的東西, 叫我try to reboot or go to setup...

這是不是代表我的hard disk死左??? 可以點做?? 我本身hard disk的東西可以攞返嗎???

2007-9-5 05:17 AM vickiho
i have same thing,anybody can help,please post it,thank you.

2007-9-5 07:19 AM ultraegg
recycled 一般黎講, 算係trojan

通常係當個back door比hacker install program用.


以上幾個都可以online scan, 希望可以幫到暫時remove trojan.

一般情況, remove trojan較為麻煩, 建意scan 一次, reboot & login safe mode, 再scan, 再reboot, 再scan.

而anytsoi個問題, 開機有嗒嗒聲, 可否講清楚少少? 係hard drive有聲? 還是怎樣有聲? 照你所講的情況, 99%係boot sector出事, 要format hard drive先有用.

2007-9-5 08:04 AM tsaltsrif
開機有嗒嗒聲 is the symptom of your hard disk dying, boot up your computer with the SeaTools form Seagate or Data Lifegard Tools from Western Digital (download from their web sites), use the utilities to find out if your hard disk workable, it may be fixed if it is a minor problem.
With a dead HD, not much you can do unless you want to pay expensive charges for the professionals to physically repair it or disemble it to read the data plates in other machine, but it could cost more than buying 10 brand new harddisks, it isn't worth.
If your Master Boot Record corrupted, the OS won't launch even the hard disk doesn't have any physical defect, first of all, go to the BIOS to find out does it detect your HD or not, if it doesn't, 90% you have a dead drive, if it does, use your Vista or XP installation disc to boot up, when it asking if you want  to repair your window or install a new window, choose repair, then it will rewrite your MBR to boot up your existing window, then use Ultraegg's above suggestions to clean the virus or torjan, good luck.

2007-9-6 01:11 AM amytsoi
今日打了電話去dell度問... 真係harddisk死左...... 攞去整就話個harddisk在read的時候有聲, 所以read唔到...

to ultraegg:
請問你所講的format hard drive對於我這個harddisk還有用嗎?

還有一個問題,我換個harddisk之後, 個windows就要重新安裝, 我想問, 我在買電腦的時候有隻綠色的碟是關於windows的, 那隻碟有用嗎? 還是我要買/down個番梘windows重新再裝?

2007-9-6 10:02 PM ultraegg
一般情況下, 如果因為bad sector而引起的hard driver error, 可以用lower level format 救得返, low level format跟正常format大同少異, 只不過多數要用1 至2 日先format 完! 這類program 可以係各大hard drive公司有得download.

但你已經問過dell, 而又有warranty的話, 便交由dell 處理好啦! 因為你買的係brand name 機, 除非當初跟機時無windows lable, 否則不過再買另一windows, 只要用跟機那隻CD便可以重裝, 留意機底的windows product key, 有某情況下, 需要打電話比microsoft release key code.

2007-9-7 09:55 AM sliverbulletday
If the hard drive has 嗒嗒聲, the hard drive 100% is bad and need to be replace a new hard drive, otherwise, it will have the same problem again even hard drive was fixed.  The data from this 嗒嗒聲 hard drive, try to put it in external USB port notebook hard drive cage, and connect to the other working computer to see if you  can still transfer the data to the working computer hard drive.

Good luck.

2007-9-7 06:56 PM amytsoi
首先多謝各位的解答!!!:pn30: :pn30:

[quote]原帖由 [i]ultraegg[/i] 於 2007-9-6 10:02 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
一般情況下, 如果因為bad sector而引起的hard driver error, 可以用lower level format 救得返, low level format跟正常format大同少異, 只不過多數要用1 至2 日先format 完! 這類program 可以係各大hard drive公司 ... [/quote]

其實我的機的warrenty已經過了, 本身是原廠的機, 有windows product key. 如果按照您的說法, 即是我用那隻碟就可以重新安裝windows了嗎?

2007-9-7 09:43 PM ultraegg
[quote]原帖由 [i]amytsoi[/i] 於 2007-9-7 06:56 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
首先多謝各位的解答!!!:pn30: :pn30:
其實我的機的warrenty已經過了, 本身是原廠的機, 有windows product key. 如果按照您的說法, 即是我用那隻碟就可以重新安裝windows了嗎? ... [/quote]

那就更易辨啦, 未必需要返dell, 可以自己買HDD, 用回跟機時的碟便可以啦! 如安裝上有問題, 可以跟你再詳細一點講解

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