LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 食完要講講 United States - Food Review » [NY-New York][上海菜] 鹿鳴春 - Joe's Shanghai

2007-8-31 07:44 AM mickeyGoUp
[NY-New York][上海菜] 鹿鳴春 - Joe's Shanghai

如果您去紐約唐人街﹐而您只可以食一餐﹐而您又想食一間個個都會推薦既餐館﹐咁就要去食 鹿鳴春 既 蟹粉小籠包 勒!!  如果同上海果 d 比﹐咁就可能無得比﹐但響北美黎講﹐鹿鳴春 既 蟹粉小籠包 都算係數一數二勒!  我地同常去到係會一人一籠小籠包﹐唔會叫其他野食﹔但當日有 d 團友想食其他野﹐所以我地就叫左 醉雞﹑蘿蔔絲酥餅﹑俺篤鮮...等等﹐都幾好食喎!!






2008-2-26 11:05 PM doggiekitty
:pn30: I am glad to know that 鹿鳴春 still making delicious  o既 蟹粉小籠包.  I haven't been there since 2000.  In my memory, NYC and Flushing o既鹿鳴春 d 蟹粉小籠包 is the best I ever tasted in North America.  The owner should consider to open some other branches in other big city such as LA, Vegas, SanFran, Toronto, Vancouver.:pn35:

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