LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 食完要講講 United States - Food Review » [NY-Brooklyn][美國菜] Peter Luger Steakhouse

2007-8-31 07:08 AM mickeyGoUp
[NY-Brooklyn][美國菜] Peter Luger Steakhouse

聽就聽過好多人講呢一間響 New York 開左 17 年既扒房勒!  個個人一講親呢間餐廳﹐第一樣野就係話: 一定要預早 book 位﹐如過諗住 weekend 食﹐就預早兩三個月啦!  :pn08:  我係響星期一食﹐預早一個月打去﹐諗住無死啦﹐點知都係 5:45pm 後 book 滿晒!!  無計啦﹐唯有食個 early dinner 啦!

NYC 既交通幾咁劑塞就出名架啦﹐我地當日飛的去﹐而 Peter Luger 講明只係會留張檯 15 分鐘俾我地﹐我地遲左 10 分鐘!  所以都幾刺激呢!!!!


一坐低﹐張檯上面就已經放左 d 牛扒 sauce 同埋麵包響度。



個 menu 除左佢地既招牌 >> [url=]Porterhouse[/url] << 牛扒  外﹐就係有 d 配菜﹑甜品﹑同其他幾度菜咁。 而 Porterhouse 亦唔係以幾多 Oz 咁計﹐而係 一人份﹑二人份﹑三人份﹑同 四人份。  我地七個人去﹐所以叫左一個 三人份 同 一個 四人份﹐同埋一 d 配菜。 一般人通常會叫紅酒﹐但我地一團人當中無人識得飲﹐所以就無叫到勒。

點完菜後﹐個 waiter 就放低左兩個咁既碟響檯面﹐仲要係掉轉放既:


我初時唔知係咩作用黎﹐後來就知道原來係出牛吧時個碟好熱﹐係用黎墊碟既。 用個碟黎墊碟﹐都幾奇怪。

d 牛扒同配菜一齊出﹐出左菜後﹐d waiters 就會幫我地分 d 牛扒同配菜一次。 之後有剩既就各人唔夠自己再分。




咁其實好唔好味?  唔錯啦!  哈哈哈!!  唔係我扮講究﹐無錯﹐d 牛肉係食得出係幾靚既牛﹐但您話係唔係真係正到我會好想再返去食呢?  又未必喎 (除左帶朋友去 "見識" 一下之外)!  而我既兩個團友都異口同聲話 Ruth Chris 好食 d!


2007-9-26 01:22 AM calvin16662002
There's another good steak house on water st., Manhattan, NY

2007-11-27 03:11 AM swtbabie
peter luger and mark joseph are both really good... river palm terrace in new jersey are really good too.. and they have several locations .. if u guys drive.. one is by mitsuwa.. the japanese supermarket. and the other one is by garden state mall... go and try it too

2007-11-27 05:28 AM mickeyGoUp
Sounds good.  Thanks guys for the suggestions!  :pn30:

Have you guys tried all three of them?  Care to give out some comparisons? :)  Are they as busy as Peter Luger, which requires reservation months ahead?

If you have something to talk about the restaurants, feel free to start a new thread. :)

2007-12-17 12:37 AM nburks

2007-12-17 09:14 PM mickeyGoUp
服務態度不過不失。 佢地係 "打共產"﹐即係每張檯都會由幾位唔同既 waiter 去 serve﹐唔係話一個 waiter 由頭照顧到落尾。  所以如果您想有一般美式餐廳果種﹐ 有個特定 waiter 招呼您﹐ 咁 Peter Luger 就唔係咁樣囉!  不過佢地都合作得幾好﹐ 總體黎講﹐都算唔錯。

2007-12-20 12:46 AM calvin16662002
Has anyone try the river palm in Mahwah before?

2007-12-20 01:51 AM calvin16662002
[quote]原帖由 [i]calvin16662002[/i] 於 2007-12-20 12:46 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
Has anyone try the river palm in Mahwah before? [/quote]

Nope, I would like to try that since it's easier to go to the one Mahwah than the one in edgewater
(G.W. Bridge -> Rt. 4)

2008-2-17 03:15 PM nburks
大概幾錢啊﹖ 今日FOOD CHANNEL 有介紹﹐是全美STEAK HOUSE 第一名。

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