LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 食完要講講 United States - Food Review » [NY-Flushing][港式] 旺角 28 - Corner 28

2007-8-31 05:53 AM mickeyGoUp
[NY-Flushing][港式] 旺角 28 - Corner 28

話說果日又響 Flushing 「搵食」﹐又係人生路不熟﹐時間唔係好夠﹐但又唔夠膽亂咁試﹐於是即刻 call 我既救星 - 新天藍會員阿 翰hon - 求救!  我問佢: 「響 Flushing 快快趣食﹐唔會太貴有唔難食既﹐有咩好介紹呢?」真係無 call 錯人﹐佢明明做緊野﹐都即刻問個同事﹐跟住就答我: 「旺角 28 啦﹐新開架! 地方幾好﹐d 野食又唔差!  位置響..........」  於是﹐我地就去左 旺角 28 食 lunch 勒!

Corner 28 可以話係一間有 d 裝修既茶餐廳﹐價錢可能會比其他貴 d d﹐但真係食得好舒服!  

我地當日有七個人﹐入到去個帶位小姐就帶我地上樓上坐﹐d 冷氣又夠﹐d 檯凳又坐得舒適﹐最近要係﹐我地叫既每一碟野都幾好食!  個個食完都好滿意﹐覺得阿 翰hon 無介紹錯!  :)


雪菜火鴨絲湯米 (畢左一碗仔出黎)

濕抄牛河 定 菜遠牛河?




2007-9-26 01:14 AM calvin16662002
Additional information:

You can also get peking duck in bun for a very bargainable price.
(Sepearate counter on main st. just for the peking duck bun)

There are two floors with more seats on the upper floor, but very likely you will have to wait in line for seatings @ dinner hours.

2008-7-20 11:05 AM nburks

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