LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 食完要講講 United States - Food Review » [MD][墨西哥菜] California Tortilla

2007-8-6 11:00 AM mickeyGoUp
[MD][墨西哥菜] California Tortilla

If you are tired of Baja Fresh or Chipotle, you may try this Mexican chain.  Don't be misled by their name, they only have this in the east coast.  As of today, they don't have a single restaurant in California.  :P

I got a coupon in my mail so I decided to go give them a try.  I was impressed by their hot sauce station (see picture below).  They have more than 40 different brands of hot sauce.  You should be able to find one that you like!

I ordered a Buffalo Wing Burrito.  It was pretty tasty.  Of course, I picked a hot sauce from the shelf and kept adding to my burrito.  So I was not sure if I liked the burrito, or I liked the hot sauce more.  :P

One thing worth mentioning is that their their chips come with this cheese dip which is [b]VERY[/b] good!!  

Some locations have free Wi-Fi access.  

They even have the Vietnamese hot sauce! :P

Buffalo Wing Burrito.

Inside the burrito.

This is a must-try because of the cheese dip!!

The reason I took this picture, not because of the view.  I do not recommend people to sit at this table because it is so close to the door, and when people come in and out through that door, the wind can be very annoying!  All our napkins ended up on the floor.  :P

2007-8-10 03:35 AM ForeverFriend
初初去到美國的時候, 有很多朋友帶我去食墨西哥餐 (因為我住那邊有很多很多墨西哥人), 那時候都幾唔鐘意食架, 總覺得啲味道怪怪咁.... 但後來唔知係唔係學佢地放啲 sour cream, guamole, salsa, cheese 等等在食物裏, 再加佢地至愛的 hot sauce, 咁啲味道又即刻唔同哂,  現在仲很愛很愛食墨西哥餐添....

2007-8-10 04:43 AM mickeyGoUp
哈哈!  您響西岸一定多墨西哥餐食都不得了勒!!!!  好 surprise 您竟然無食厭﹐仲越食食鐘意添!  :)

我聽聞墨西哥人係唔會加 sour cream 入去 d taco 度既﹐係真唔係呢? 係唔係美國式既 tex-mex 先加 sour cream 呢?   :pn08:

2007-8-11 11:20 AM ForeverFriend
[quote]原帖由 [i]mickeyGoUp[/i] 於 2007-8-10 04:43 AM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
哈哈!  您響西岸一定多墨西哥餐食都不得了勒!!!!  好 surprise 您竟然無食厭﹐仲越食食鐘意添!  :)

我聽聞墨西哥人係唔會加 sour cream 入去 d taco 度既﹐係真唔係呢? 係唔係美國式既 tex-mex 先加 sour cream 呢?   : ... [/quote]

嘻嘻~~  我真係越食越鐘意食架 :P

hm.... 我又唔知啲墨西哥人唔會加 sour cream 入去 d taco 度, 係佢地教我落咁多野才好食, 不過我識的墨西哥人大部份都在美國出生.... 唔知會唔會因為咁而唔同呢  :pn04:

2007-8-11 10:15 PM mickeyGoUp
哈哈!  咁您會落 d 咩 sauce 去食呢?  有無好介紹咁呀??  我有時響屋企都會買 d spice 返黎整 ground beef 然後加 cheese 同生菜蕃茄落 d chips 度整 nachos 食﹐當然有加 salsa 啦﹐不過都係買 d 現成既 salsa sauce。 如果您 d 墨西哥朋友有 d 咩推薦﹐記得講我知﹐等我去試下!!  :pn03:

2007-8-16 01:34 AM ForeverFriend
嘻嘻~~  其實我都唔知係甚麼牌子架, 我估可能係佢地自製卦:pn04:

2007-8-21 02:44 AM mickeyGoUp
[quote]原帖由 [i]ForeverFriend[/i] 於 2007-8-15 01:34 PM 發表 [url=][img][/img][/url]
嘻嘻~~  其實我都唔知係甚麼牌子架, 我估可能係佢地自製卦:pn04: [/quote]

屋企自製 salsa sauce 我真係未食過呢!!!  有機會幫我羅個 recepe!!!  :)

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