LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 不是影評人 - Movie Reviews » 穿越時空的少女 (The Girl Who Leapt Through Time) [動畫] [日文]

2007-8-4 05:38 AM mickeyGoUp
穿越時空的少女 (The Girl Who Leapt Through Time) [動畫] [日文]



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2007-8-21 09:41 PM lamray

2008-7-11 06:18 AM mickeyGoUp
另一套青春愛情小品,又係睇左好耐,但未有時間出 post。

雖然劇中女角係比較 "男仔頭",但故事及動畫既節奏都係較慢及較柔,當中無咩大多既起伏,所以較適合女性或者情侶一齊觀賞。

故事令我諗到好多野: 如果我能夠改變所發生既事,又係唔係一定可以將結局變得更好呢?  又令我諗到,如果真係咁容易就可以超越時空,將歷史改寫,反而令到時間冇咁寶貴。 有時候,生命之所以燦爛,之所以精彩,係因為時間流逝之後,就冇得再返轉頭,每個人都只有向前走,做既每一件事、每一個決定,都會永遠寫響您既人生日記簿上,冇人可以編輯。

2008-7-18 11:49 PM Coolio
well said, as the old saying goes "learn from the past, live for today, and hope for tomorrow".

2008-10-5 02:12 PM Coolio
i really like me there is more to it than a teenage tomboy who is capable of time traveling...

check it out when you are in the mood for some well-made anime.

2008-10-5 10:04 PM mickeyGoUp
Coolio, 您又睇多次?

2008-10-6 09:43 AM Coolio
<Coolio, 您又睇多次?>

no & yes

no, i saw it the first time when i wrote the feedback last nite.

yes, i couldn't help but watched it again just now...there are a few memorable scenes which I really dig, like when the heroine starts avoiding one of her best friends whom expresses interest in her and she later feels awkward when her other female friend is approaching this same guy...I think it captures the essence of adolescent mentality.

not to mention the melodic piano soundtrack is being played in the background, really sets the scenes right, dim ah!!

2008-10-6 09:51 AM Coolio

2008-10-6 11:00 AM wlovec10000
good good movie

2008-10-6 01:15 PM mickeyGoUp
Coolio, 我以為您之前已經睇過再睇。 sorry 誤會左!

係呀,呢套動畫其實好有詩意,佢又唔係一味愛情,中間又帶小小迷離,令我想睇埋落去想知道之後點,而愛情感性位又岩 minnie 一齊睇,所以真係幾唔錯!  不過如果追求觀能刺激動作場面,可能會覺得悶,睇下佢追求咩啦!

adolescent mentality 即係點解呢?

wlovec10000,您都睇左?  :)  您覺得點呢?

2008-10-7 09:09 AM Coolio
<adolescent mentality 即係點解呢?>
I am pretty sure you know what "mentality" just wanna get a clearer understanding of what i am trying to i looked up yahoo 字典:

- adolescent = 1. 青春期的 2. 青少年的;幼稚的,未成熟的
- mentality = 心理狀態,心性

i am not too sure if i had it translated correctly in the first place with "adolescent mentality", but as i went through a few Chinese online reviews about this anime, i think this is the right phrase i had in mind "年輕的少女情懷".

2008-10-7 09:11 AM Coolio

2008-10-9 07:47 PM mickeyGoUp
I see.  Thanks for looking up.  :)

2008-10-11 10:24 PM Coolio
btw, the cantonese dubbed by female artist "janice" is not the right voice for the heroine of the story, it misses out the whole vibe of her tomboyish personality, not to mention Janice's English accent...

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