2007-7-15 09:25 AM larrysiu
[貓貓] 貓貓去廁所...

係咁ge~好早之前都聽過有人識得教懂貓貓去人的廁所自己搞掂大小異便的, 咁樣主人就不用日日幫佢死倒臭臭...而在新聞都見到有個鬼仔教識貓貓去廁所, 請問有冇人識得教貓貓去人的廁所呢? 有的話可否教一教大家...咁樣大家都會慳返好多錢...不用買貓沙貓盆...仲好方便同省時間

2007-7-16 02:13 AM woodstock
[quote]原帖由 [i]larrysiu[/i] 於 2007-7-15 09:25 AM 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=120556&ptid=19455][img]http://www.lipscorner.net/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]
係咁ge~好早之前都聽過有人識得教懂貓貓去人的廁所自己搞掂大小異便的, 咁樣主人就不用日日幫佢死倒臭臭...而在新聞都見到有個鬼仔教識貓貓去廁所, 請問有冇人識得教貓貓去人的廁所呢? 有的話可否教一教大家...咁樣 ... [/quote]

It is very difficult...... I try to train my cats to do that when they are small but not succeed.
You know why?? coz there is no strong smell left when you flush the toilet, therefore they
won't go back there again next time. And also there is very hard for them(especially kitten)
to stand on the edge of the toilet bowl, I believe some cats are not afraid but not all.
Well, this is only my experience, if there is anyone know how to train the cats to use human
toilet, I am also interested to know about that ~~

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