2007-7-6 10:45 PM Edmund


p.s 小心玩玩下,打爆部電腦

:pn09: 好多人玩左都爆粗,我亦唔例外!

2007-7-7 12:10 AM super-hing

2007-7-7 06:11 AM ultraegg

有無人識日文? 知道講乜o架, 行右左都唔得喎!! 上下又用唔到!:lc07:

2007-7-7 03:18 PM woodstock
[quote]原帖由 [i]ultraegg[/i] 於 2007-7-7 06:11 AM 發表 [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=118843&ptid=19223][img]http://www.lipscorner.net/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]

有無人識日文? 知道講乜o架, 行右左都唔得喎!! 上下又用唔到!:lc07: [/quote]

ok, you should use the "<--" and "-->" key to go left and right, then you may use "z"key to jump, well, if you want to go to the left hand side in the game, you should jump very fast again when you are on the floating bar......good luck.
I don't like to play game, so I just try to jump to the left hand side only.....don't ask me what is going on after that,( I turn it off when I succeed to jump to that side, take me such a long time......)

2007-7-7 03:38 PM super-hing
我落左去下面啦-.- 玩死人了..

2007-7-7 04:01 PM amytsoi
cannot go to the left side...
drop to no where on the right side...:pn14: :pn14:

2007-7-7 10:22 PM Edmund

終于俾我搵到攻略 :pn19:
but點解會有音樂既? :pn10:

2007-7-8 03:23 AM woodstock
oh my god......I don't think I could finish it....even the on first step......

2007-7-9 11:20 AM 小神
mission impossible..

2007-7-11 04:54 AM ditch13
好搞野﹐好cute!! :P

2007-7-14 01:53 AM amytsoi
...... 看完好無言...:pn12: :pn12:

2007-7-23 04:25 PM alexfht
過到....最後打大佬唔識打 :pn75:

2007-7-23 05:35 PM lepetitprince
haha...this one so funny

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