LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 食完要講講 United States - Food Review » [New York-NY] [星馬菜] 檳城 Penang Chinatown Restaurant

2007-6-27 06:24 AM nburks
[New York-NY] [星馬菜] 檳城 Penang Chinatown Restaurant

好多年前成日一講到食馬拉餐﹐ 就一定會諗到呢間“檳城”。 初初開張時去時﹐ 好似樣樣都好正﹐ 海南雞﹐印度面包﹐馬拉盞炒通菜﹐佛缽飄香﹐貴妃豆腐﹐咖哩牛腩煲﹐椰漿飯﹐油飯...... 我同班FD成日會去幫襯。食完飯仲會叫碗ABC冰玩下食下。
不過近年好似越來越差﹐尤其係唐人街果間﹐ D餸細碟晒。服務態度都幾差下。俾得少TIPS(略略低過15%)﹐佢哋就會黑面。
不過點都好啦﹐唐人街好食既馬拉餐都唔係好多﹐呢間都算OK架啦。 FLUSHING 果間就比唐人街既好D.
Flushing 地址﹕3804 Prince St, Flushing, New York
(718) 321-2078

2007-7-4 08:54 AM mickeyGoUp
Penang 我呢邊都有兩間 (DC and Maryland)﹐但水準我覺得無 NYC 果兩間同費城唐人街果間咁好﹐DC 果間我去過一次就唔再去 luu﹐因為我覺得完全唔同﹐有 d 呃西人 feel﹐環境情調就唔錯﹐但食物方面就麻麻。

係咩﹐NY 唐人街果間無以前咁好拿?  我都好耐無去過 lu!  咁耐之前食過﹐唔知俾唔俾分好。 :P

2007-8-6 03:51 AM kerry1104
i went there. and i agree what u said.
i  think you should try one in Flushing. the one in Kissiena Blvd. Near the chinese supermarket with the big parking lot.  is a small resturant, but the food is good. even my Malayisa firends said they made a good job.  I forgot the name. but is the one near the "Kim" "Sing" "Fa" supermarket one. try it! AND tell me what u think after it. ^^

2007-9-1 02:58 PM po_food

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