2007-1-3 08:35 PM admin

因為某些公告只會在告示版上存放一段特定的時間﹐過期後便會被移除。  為可讓會員在公告過期後仍能翻查昔日公告內容﹐所以我們將會把移除的公告張貼於此。

2007-1-3 08:36 PM admin
多謝您! 現獻上 聖誕遊戲「愛併才會贏」!

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2006-12-14
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-01-03

首先﹐我們必須向您說一聲: 「謝謝您!!」指的是您對新天藍及我們的廣告贊助商的支持!! 因為您不斷的到訪我們的贊助商網站 (從點擊廣告連結進入)﹐不但為他們增加了不少訪客﹐更是穩定了新天藍財政的主要因素。  

當看到圖表的綠色線 [ [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/plugin.php?identifier=adclicks&module=adclicks]觀看[/url] ]﹐知道一直有著您默默的支持﹐知道您的心意是為了讓大家有一個安穩的平台﹐把友誼延續下去﹐這一份無私的心﹐真的很令人感動呢!  


聖誕將近﹐新天藍各版主首次跨版聯手主辦「愛併才會贏」聖誕遊戲!!!!  身為天藍會員的你、妳、還有您!!  又怎可以錯過參與這次盛事呢??  快些進來羸取前所未有巨額既 XG 吧!!

>>> [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/viewthread.php?tid=11825]按此進入遊戲[/url] <<<

[color=purple][size=3][b]最後﹐祝大家有一個溫馨的聖誕節 及 愉快的新一年!!!![/b][/size][/color]

2007-1-3 08:38 PM admin
天藍競賽 列表

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2006-12-06


為方便會員更容易知道 新天藍 有甚麼 天藍競賽 (游戲) 正在進行中﹐我們特別為大家設立了 天藍競賽列表!  想知今期有甚麼好玩游戲﹐click 入去看看便一清二楚了!

連結: [url]http://www.lipscorner.net/plugin.php?identifier=gamelist&module=gamelist[/url]

Menu: Xenterum 服務 > [url=http://www.lipscorner.net/plugin.php?identifier=gamelist&module=gamelist]天藍競賽[/url]

2007-3-13 08:24 AM admin
[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-3-11
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-3-12

由於 DNS Server 出現要問題﹐令到大部份的會員無法進入 新天藍 網站﹐很對不起。

我們已聯絡了 DNS 公司﹐他們亦承認了是他們的伺服器所引起的問題﹐他們亦正在維修中﹐可惜他們無法確定何時才可完全恢服正常。 如一天後問題仍然存在﹐我們會再向 DNS 公司查詢。



2007-3-15 07:30 PM mickeyGoUp
悼念一位 好朋友 A8 馬家昌

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-3-15
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-4-15


2007-5-3 05:57 AM admin
[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-5-3
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-5-31


我們很想進一步了解您﹐請問您願意花幾分鐘的時間﹐填上這一份簡單的問卷調查嗎?  在完成及提交問卷後﹐系統便會立即贈送 8 XG 給您﹐以表我們的謝意。  謝謝您的支持!


新天藍 管理團


Dear Xenterum member,

We would like to get to know you more!  Would you mind to take a few minutes of your time and complete the following survey questionaire?  After submitting the survey, you will receive 8 XG from us, that's the least way we can do to show our appreciation.  Thank you for your support!


Xenterum Staffs

2007-5-16 09:09 PM admin

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-5-16
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-6-15


謝謝您在過去的日子一直支著新天藍! 亦很感激您參與我們早前推出的調查問卷。 從問卷中的結果﹐我們更加了解您的需要。 我們會繼續努力提升論壇的質數﹐來迎合您的需要。 在未來的數星期﹐新天藍會進行一連串的論壇更新﹐其間論壇亦會暫時關閉﹐所引起的不便之處﹐請您多多包容。


Dear Xenterum member,

Thank you for your continuous support in the past year! And your participation in our recent survey was very helpful. We have been using the survey data in planning for future changes, in order to provide better services to you. In the next few weeks, we will be implementing a series of new changes. Xenterum will be temporarily closed occasionally when we are applying the changes. We like to apologize in advance for any inconvenience that might be caused to you.

Xenterum Admin

2007-5-24 02:52 PM admin

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-5-23
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-6-25


由於伺服器網絡連接出現要問題﹐以至新天藍論壇離線多個小時﹐現已恢服正常運作。 如引起任何不便之處﹐敬請原諒。



Dear Xenterum Members,

Xenterum Forum had been down for serveral hours due to server network connectivity outage.  It should now be back to normal.  Sorry for any inconvenience caused.

Xenterum Administrators

2007-6-28 07:45 PM admin
論壇更新 重要通知

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-6-28
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-7-2


為提供更優良的服務﹐新天藍會於香港時間 2007-07-02 2:00AM 暫時關閉﹐以進行軟件升級工作。由於這次升級工作需時較長﹐可能會到當日下午才會完全恢復運作﹐請各會員注意。

此外﹐經調查數據顯示及慎重考慮後﹐我們決定在 2007-07-02 正式結束 XenterSpace 新天空間 這項服務。我們知道有些會員一直有支持及使用 新天空間﹐因此在 新天空間 結束後﹐我們會嘗試把 新天空間 內的文章轉載到新天藍論壇。請各位曾有在 新天空間 發表的會員﹐先自行把文章及檔案備份。




Dear Xenterum Members,

In order to provide better services for you, Xenterum will be temporarily closed for software upgrade at 2:00AM 2007-7-2 HKT.  Due to the amount of changes we are making on this upgrade, Xenterum might not be able to reopen until the afternoon of the same day.

In addition to that, we are also shutting off the XenterSpace service on the same day.  It was a tough decision for us.  But please understand that we have made that decision based on careful consideration and detail statistics.  We also understand that there are royal members support XenterSpace since Day 1.  We will do our best to transfer all the articles from XenterSpace to Xenterum Forum after the software upgrade.  In case we can't finish the transfer on time, please backup your XenterSpace articles and files before 2007-7-2.

We apologize for any inconvinence caused.

Xenterum Administrators

2007-7-2 11:18 AM admin
新一年 新一頁

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-7-1
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-7-14


不知不覺間﹐新天藍已為大家服務了超過一年多的時間。  為了能為您提供更優良的服務﹐經過慎重的考慮後﹐我們決定重新整理版面設計﹐並改名為 LIPS Corner。 雖然換了英文域名﹐但中文名「新天藍」仍會保留﹐而新天藍的精神亦永遠不會改變。

由於 LIPS Corner 仍是在 Beta 階段﹐工作人員仍不斷進行修改﹐論壇亦有可能會出現錯誤。 如您遇到甚麼困難﹐歡迎隨時聯絡管理人員﹐我們會盡快為您解決。




Dear Xenterum Members,

It's been over a year since we started Xenterum.net.  In order to provide even better service for you, we have decided to re-design our website, and to change our name to LIPS Corner.  Although our domain name has been changed, we will keep our Chinese name.  And our spirit has not and will never change!  

Since LIPS Corner is still going through Beta Testing, our technicians will occasionally fixing any problems that member might encounter.  If you have any difficulties on using the forum, please do not hesitate to contact the moderators or administrators.  We will do our best to help you.

Your continuous support  is very important to us.  Thank you very much!

LIPSCorner Administrators

2007-7-9 10:42 PM admin
小心! 冒牌 MSN 群組!

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-7-8
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-7-14

最近有會員報告曾在 MSN 收到自稱是「M群-xenterum」的邀請訊息﹐要求會員把該用戶加入 MSN Contact List﹐請大家不要上當!  

1.  新天藍並不會沒有在論壇內預先通知而在 MSN 或其他平台開設群組。 如對外來的邀請有懷疑﹐請先向新天藍管理團查證。 一切未經證實而自稱是新天藍的群組/團體/機構﹐均與新天藍無關﹐如有任何損失﹐新天藍恕不負責。

2. 新天藍已正式改名為 LIPSCorner。

請各會員注意。 謝謝!

2007-12-14 06:31 AM admin
LIPSCorner Christmas Gift Exchange 2007

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-12-04
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-12-13

Christmas is coming, and 2007 is going to end soon!  Let's all participate in this year LIPSCorner Gift Exchange by sending a warm gift to the far-far-away him or her!  And also receive a gift from someone who cares!

在今年聖誕節﹐在2007年結束前﹐寄出一份小禮物﹐為遠方的他/她帶來一絲暖意!  同時﹐也等待迎接一份由遠地送來給您的小心意!  齊來參與一個真正的「網友交換禮物」行動吧!

[b][color=purple][size=3]只需花您小小時間﹐便能為對方帶來無限暖意!!  但願您會支持我們!!!!!  [/size][/color][/b]


2007-12-14 06:32 AM admin
Gift Exchange Extended !!

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-12-07
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2007-12-13

Since there are still members asking about the details and instructions of the Gift Exchange, we have decided to extend the deadline to allow more people to join.  But due to the shipping deadline of some post offices, and to ensure participants receiving their gifts on time, please hurry and join now!  It is easy, just sign up, prepare a gift, and mail it!  :)

因為仍有會員查詢這次交換禮物的詳情及玩法﹐我們決定將截止報名日期延遲﹐希望能讓更多朋友可以參加!  但礙於郵政局的截郵期限﹐及希望每位參加者都能及時收到禮物﹐請您盡快報名參加!   方法很簡單: 只要報名﹐預備禮物﹐寄給我們給您的朋友地址便行!  :)

[b][color=purple][size=3]只需花您小小時間﹐便能為對方帶來無限暖意!!  但願您會支持我們!!!!!  [/size][/color][/b]


2008-1-1 05:44 AM admin
2008 年快樂 Happy 2008!!!

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2007-12-31
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2008-01-07


祝您在 2008 年網上瀏覽一帆風順!  祝您的電腦健健康康!  病毒遠離您!!  祝您明年的上下載速度步步高升!!  新年快樂!!!!!


2008-2-23 12:11 AM admin
2007 聖誕禮物 大選

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2008-02-22
[b]終止時間:[/b] 2008-03-09

有會員查詢是否任何人都可參與 2007 聖誕禮物 大選 的投票:

不錯!  只要您是新天藍的會員,便歡迎您參與這次投票!  雖然可能您錯過了 07 年的聖誕交換禮物活動,但仍希望您可以前來投票,同時分享那一份喜悅。 聖誕雖過,暖意還在!


Some members have questions about 2007 X'mas Gift Exchange Polling, and wondered if it is true that anyone may participate and vote:

That's right!  ANY LIPSCorner members may participate in the 2007 X'mas Gift Exchange Polling!  Although you might have missed the Gift Exchange, we still encourage you to help us selecting the best X'mas Gift by submitting your votes, and at the same time, we would like to share the joy with you.

2008-5-16 12:16 AM admin
四川大地震 China Earthquake

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2008-05-15
[b]終止時間:[/b] -

相信大家都有留意四川地震消息,今天的數據已證實有一萬九千多人死亡,預計死亡人數可能會高達五萬!  很多身邊的朋友及同事們都在談論如何能為災民做一點事或出一分力。 不錯,身在北美或其他海外國家的華人如果能齊心出一點力或捐出平時外出吃一餐飯的金錢,合計起來便是很大的力量了!

新天藍希望能在此呼籲各界人仕頂力支持任何振災行動!  如閣下尚未找到支持的途徑,可到以下紅十字會的 "中國地震" 專頁,在頁面下方便有提供不同的支援方式。


We believe everyone has been hearing a lot about the China Earthquake.  The confirmed death toll today is 19509!  And the estimated total death toll is expected to be more than 50000.  A lot of friends and colleagues have also been talking about how we can help.  It is very true that, if every Chinese in North America or other oversea countries is willing to show his/her support or even to donate a small amount of money, the combined effort can be HUGE!  

LIPSCorner would like to take this opportunity to urge you to respond to any types of relief effort.  If you have not yet found a way to support, you may visit the American Red Cross website.  They have set up a special page for the China Earthquake.  And at the bottom of the page you will find different ways to support.


Thank you for your attention!

LIPSCorner Management Team

2008-5-18 01:13 AM 529613
回復 #16 admin 的帖子


MSN 彩虹連心 支援災區


2009-1-23 03:51 PM admin

[b]起始時間:[/b] 2009-01-22
[b]終止時間:[/b] -

新年又來臨了!  論壇網上拜年大家也試不少,但能聽到對方的聲音,倍添暖意 及 熱鬧氣氛!  今個新年,就用 LIPS 來和大家拜過年吧!!!!  (害羞的朋友可以文字型式回應亦可。)


聖誕節交換禮物您試得多了!  農曆新年 送舊迎新禮物交換 您又試過沒有呢?  

送舊迎新 牛年交換禮物[url]http://www.lipscorner.net/viewthread.php?tid=31834[/url]

[color=red][size=3][b]祝各會員 牛年 身體健康!  學業進步!  財源廣進![/b][/size][/color]

2009-5-11 12:14 AM admin
新天藍 升級及維修通知

起始時間: 2009-05-06
終止時間: 2009-05-11

Dear LIPSCorner members, in order to provide even better and smoother web site service, we have scheduled to temporarily shut down LIPSCorner at 10pm May 10, 2009 HKT for hardware and software upgrades.  This may take at least four hours.  The forum will be re-opened at around 2am May 11, 2009 HKT.  We apologized for any inconvenience might cause to you.  Thank you for your continuous support for LIPSCorner!

各位新天藍會員請注意!  為了提供更完善及流暢的網站服務,新天藍將會於香港時間 2009年5月10日 晚上10時 進行硬件及軟件升級工作。 其時新天藍將會暫時關閉。 預計會在香港時間 2009年5月11日 零晨2時 後逐步重新開放。 如引起閣下不便之處,敬請原諒。  謝謝閣下繼續支持!

2009-5-11 12:16 AM admin
新天藍 升級及維修完畢

起始時間: 2009-05-10
終止時間: 2009-05-13

Dear LIPSCorner members, we have completed the hardware and software upgrade.  Although we have gone through careful preparation and testing, we might have overlooked some problems.  Therefore, if you have encountered any problems when browsing LIPSCorner, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email]admin@lipscorner.net[/email].  Thanks for your continuous support for LIPSCorner.net.

各位新天藍會員請注意!  本論壇已完成硬件及軟件升級工作。 雖然我們在升級前已經過詳細的準備,及在升級後已進行了仔細的測試,但難免亦會有錯漏。 如閣下在瀏覽 新天藍 時遇到任何技術上的問題,歡迎隨時聯絡我們 ([email]admin@lipscorner.net[/email])。 謝謝閣下繼續支持!

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