LIPS Corner 新天藍 » 寫飲寫食 - Delicious Words » [入廚心得] [小食] 《素食》芝麻什锦菇云吞

2006-12-27 07:41 PM jeslynfl
[入廚心得] [小食] 《素食》芝麻什锦菇云吞

《素食》芝麻什锦菇云吞 ((Vegetarian) Sesame Seed Assorted Mushroom WanTan)

Souce and Material: 浆料 和 材料:

Souce (浆料):
1. 4 Tea Spoon of Maggi Mushroom Seasoning (4茶匙 Maggi 香菇调味液)
2. 4 Tea Spoon of Kim Lan Souce (4茶匙 金兰油膏)
3. Some Oil(一些油)
4. 4 Tea Spoon of Sesame Oil (4茶匙 芝麻油)
5. 1/2 Tea Spoon of Salt (1/2 茶匙 盐)

Material (材料):
1. 3 Piece of Oyster Mushroom  (3片 鲜蚝菇)(Picture 1 / 圖片1)
2. 1/2 Peck of Golden Mushroom (1/2 包 鲜金珍菇)(Picture 2 / 圖片2)
3. 1/2 Rice Bowl of Dried Shiitake Mushroom (1/2 碗 干香菇)(Picture 3 / 圖片3)
4. 5 Tea Spoon of White Sesame Seed (5茶匙 白芝麻) (Picture 4 / 圖片4)
5. 1 Peck of WanTan Pastry (1包 云吞皮) (Picture 5 / 圖片5)
6. Some Carrot (一些 红萝卜)

Picture 1 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 2 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 3 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 4 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 5 [IMG][/IMG]

Step of Making (做法):
A. Preparation of Raw Material
1. Wash The White Sesame Seed Under The Pipe Water With The Funnel,dry it. (Picture 6 / 圖片6)
   Then Fries With Flame Untill It's Change To Golden Colour (Does Not Need To Add Oil)
2. Use Both Hands To Crowds The Shiitake Mushroom, Cut It's Become Grain.(Picture 7 / 圖片7)
3. Pulls Out Fresh Oyster Mushroom Become Strip with The Hand, Cut It's Become Grain Grain.(Picture 8 / 圖片8)
4. Cut The Carrot To Grain.

A. 材料的做法
1. 用漏斗在水管之下洗涤白色芝麻,滴干.(Picture 6 / 圖片6)
2. 用双手挤干香菇,切成粒状 (Picture 7 / 圖片7)
3. 用手拔鲜蚝菇成条状,然后切粒 (Picture 8 / 圖片8)
4. 红萝卜切成粒状

Picture 6 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 7 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 8 [IMG][/IMG]

B. Preparation of WanTan Paste (Picture 9 / 圖片9)
1. Mixes All The Raw Material Into A Big Bowl.
2. Add Maggi Mushroom Seasoning
3. Add Kim Lan Souce
4. Add Sesame Oil
5. Add Salt
6. Mixes Evenly

B. 云吞馅料 (Picture 9 / 圖片9)
1. 准备一个大碗将所有原材料混合。
2. 加入 Maggi 香菇调味液
3. 加入 金兰油膏
4. 加入 芝麻油
5. 加入 盐
6. 混合均匀

Picture 9 [IMG][/IMG]

C. Step Of Making
1. Place 1/2 to 1 Tea Spoon of B On The WanTan Pastry (Place It At One Side of The WanTan Pastry) (Picture 10 / 圖片10)
2. Roll The WanTan Pastry Into 3/5  (Picture 11 / 圖片11)
3. Fold Both Side of WanTan Pastry With Both Hand (Picture 12 / 圖片12)
4. Add A Drop of Water With A Finger Tip On One Side of The Wantan Pastry (Picture 13 / 圖片13)
5. Then, Press Another Side of WanTan Pastry With It (Picture 14 / 圖片14)

C. 抱法
1. 放 1/2 至 1 匙子 B 在云吞皮上. (放在一角) (Picture 10 / 圖片10)
2. 用手把云吞皮卷至 3/5 (Picture 11 / 圖片11)
3. 用手对折云吞皮双角 (Picture 12 / 圖片12)
4. 用手指点一滴水在云吞皮其中一角. (Picture 13 / 圖片13)
5. 然后,把另一角的云吞皮压上去。(Picture 14 / 圖片14)

Picture 10 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 11 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 12 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 13 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 14 [IMG][/IMG]

Store The Really Make WanTan In The Box Then Refrigeration In Freez It's. Then You Can Having It AnyTime. (Picture 15,16 / 圖片15,16)
把做好的云吞储存于便当盒里,然后放进冷藏 (Freez). 你可以随时享有云吞啦! (Picture 15,16 / 圖片15,16)

Picture 15 [IMG][/IMG]
Picture 16 [IMG][/IMG]

2006-12-30 11:18 AM winny
[quote]原帖由 [i]jeslynfl[/i] 於 2006-12-27 07:41 PM 發表
《素食》芝麻什锦菇云吞 ((Vegetarian) Sesame Seed Assorted Mushroom WanTan)

Souce and Material: 浆料 和 材料:

Souce (浆料):
1. 4 Tea Spoon of Maggi Mushroom Seasoning (4 ... [/quote]

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